Wars, genocide, reparations, religion, etc (split from recruiting forum)

Probably to get an idea of what help/aid should be approved.
The last think I’d want is a politician with no disaster response expertise making decisions based on a 2 hour tour.

This is why we have FEMA and other organizations. Let the experts tell you what is needed and then work like hell to approve that.

Of course, some people want to get rid of FEMA and some other federal agencies that are key during disaster reliefs.

Boggles my mind.
The media lies/hides a lot of stuff, even when the truth would be a better story.
Believe me it a lot worse than even we are seeing on local news. I know some first responders working there at it's far worse than Katrina. Bodys in cars and all over the place.
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The media lies/hides a lot of stuff, even when the truth would be a better story.
I wouldn't assume it's intentional. This is unprecedented. I can't ever recall a situation where 100s of miles of multiple major interstates were closed due to roads and bridges being washed out. Getting media trucks in has got to be just as difficult as getting victims out, and honestly, staying away is the best thing they can do for a bit. Even if the president/governors mobilize the NG, they still have be to able to transport and supply them. Logistically this is 10+ on the nightmare scale. You need infrastructure for the relief effort...but it's gone.
I don't fully disagree, and I suspect that most politicians are there for photo ops. Although, I have an inherent distrust of every politician.

But I could see an argument for good leaders wanting to see ground zero for themselves, as they also take the input from SMEs, and while doing what they can not to be a drag on the immediate help being performed.

Also, many of them may be forced into it by the divisive **** media we have that will try to attack leaders for anything, just based on party allegiance. If they don't go, they'll be roasted for "not caring".
OH, the divisive media. I do wish more people would fact check media and not simply get caught up in whatever one media source or another (depending on political leaning) reports on.
I’m a few pages behind, but anyone posting nonsense about how this is not being covered is just trying to politicize a tragedy and should be ashamed. It’s literally on every channel and the front page of everything. I also have tons of family that are national guard and reserves and they have all been deployed to do search and rescue, so stop spreading non-sense.

Saying this isn’t being covered by the news is like hearing Kirby Smart try to convince everyone that they preseason picks to finish at the bottom of the SEC in 2022.
I wouldn't assume it's intentional. This is unprecedented. I can't ever recall a situation where 100s of miles of multiple major interstates were closed due to roads and bridges being washed out. Getting media trucks in has got to be just as difficult as getting victims out, and honestly, staying away is the best thing they can do for a bit. Even if the president/governors mobilize the NG, they still have be to able to transport and supply them. Logistically this is 10+ on the nightmare scale. You need infrastructure for the relief effort...but it's gone.
I just meant media in general
Perhaps you should. I can meet you in the off topic forum and we can swap scriptures if you'd like. This isn't the time or the place.

For now, I'll just point out that you sound a lot like the Pharisees that saw everything as an act of God's judgment against sin, and Jesus had to correct them. Don't be a Pharisee.
He really should read Job.
The last think I’d want is a politician with no disaster response expertise making decisions based on a 2 hour tour.

This is why we have FEMA and other organizations. Let the experts tell you what is needed and then work like hell to approve that.

Of course, some people want to get rid of FEMA and some other federal agencies that are key during disaster reliefs.

Boggles my mind.
You ever read up on sone of the horrid 💩 FEMA does, and it will boggle your mind too.
People who speak for God and they don't even know what He said. At least know the Book before you speak. This is why Christians get a bad name, some are so ignorant. At least the ignorance is not exclusive to football.
Perhaps the poster is not a Christian and is poking fun at Christians? Otherwise, not sure why one would make such a comment.
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Probably to get an idea of what help/aid should be approved.
like they know the difference. "Yup thats 50 million dollars of damage, and not the 40 million I was going to approve."

they are there to shake babies and kiss hands and to do so in front of the biggest news story (cameras) of the moment.
I think it was probably more political in nature.
(Not directed at you or anyone else, IV. Just typing out why I perked up and initially posted at the OP on this.)

I think it was some flavor of self-righteous modern-day Pharisee that sees God as the angry Zeus in the clouds with his lightning bolts, just waiting for everyone else to step out of line so He can whack them. THEM, not ME. and thank you Jesus I'm not a sinner like those people that He just drowned, and I guess everybody in those towns were on His wrath-list or else His aim sucks.

As opposed to what the Bible actually describes.

There will be a time when His wrath pours out on the unrepentant, but He'll get there slowly because that'll give more time for people to repent...

2 Peter 3:9 -- 8 But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9 The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you,[a] not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies[b] will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed.

The above is one of many verses that describes a difference between God's PRIMARY will and His consequent will--i.e. there are things that happen that He doesn't wish to happen, but allows. All within the context of working everything out for the benefit of His children. Jesus alluded to this when he was asked about the man born blind--who sinned to cause it?. Jesus blatantly described this as a time when bad happened to someone and it wasn't God's wrath pouring out.

All too often we hear crap like that from self-righteous, self-appointed prophets who are ignorant of God's Word and heart, and the entire thing is laced with some form of satisfaction that THOSE sinners are finally getting what THEY deserve. Well, we are all sinners and will be until the day we die. The only difference between US and THEM is that we have found and are eating at the table of grace (and we should be desperately wishing ALL of THEM find and eat as well). One day, His wrath will pour out on those who reject Him, but right now we are in the season that Jesus described--where God is allowing time for His enemies because He loves them too.

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers,[i] what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48 You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

What does that say? It paint's God character as one that loves even His enemies, how else could He be the example that we're called to follow in loving our enemies?

This week, it rained on everyone. If we've caught God's heart, we'll traverse this with a heart of empathy, love and hope for EVERYONE involved.

PS: As we've debated the concept of "judge not", THIS is the example of what that means. We can make judgments about sin and character, but we're not to ignorantly attribute things like this as God's condemnation or by any means feel satisfaction when we see bad things happen to others.
(Not directed at you or anyone else, IV. Just typing out why I perked up and initially posted at the OP on this.)

I think it was some flavor of self-righteous modern-day Pharisee that sees God as the angry Zeus in the clouds with his lightning bolts, just waiting for everyone else to step out of line so He can whack them. THEM, not ME. and thank you Jesus I'm not a sinner like those people that He just drowned, and I guess everybody in those towns were on His wrath-list or else His aim sucks.

As opposed to what the Bible actually describes.

There will be a time when His wrath pours out on the unrepentant, but He'll get there slowly because that'll give more time for people to repent...

The above is one of many verses that describes a difference between God's PRIMARY will and His consequent will--i.e. there are things that happen that He doesn't wish to happen, but allows. All within the context of working everything out for the benefit of His children. Jesus alluded to this when he was asked about the man born blind--who sinned to cause it?. Jesus blatantly described this as a time when bad happened to someone and it wasn't God's wrath pouring out.

All too often we hear crap like that from self-righteous, self-appointed prophets who are ignorant of God's Word and heart, and the entire thing is laced with some form of satisfaction that THOSE sinners are finally getting what THEY deserve. Well, we are all sinners and will be until the day we die. The only difference between US and THEM is that we have found and are eating at the table of grace (and we should be desperately wishing ALL of THEM find and eat as well). One day, His wrath will pour out on those who reject Him, but right now we are in the season that Jesus described--where God is allowing time for His enemies because He loves them too.

What does that say? It paint's God character as one that loves even His enemies, how else could He be the example that we're called to follow in loving our enemies?

This week, it rained on everyone. If we've caught God's heart, we'll traverse this with a heart of empathy, love and hope for EVERYONE involved.

PS: As we've debated the concept of "judge not", THIS is the example of what that means. We can make judgments about sin and character, but we're not to ignorantly attribute things like this as God's condemnation or by any means feel satisfaction when we see bad things happen to others.
If God was punishing the unrighteous, The whole of the US of A would be swallowed up into the earth's core.
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If got was punishing the unrighteous, The whole of the US of A would be swallowed up into the earth's core.
Reminds me of a story from a college roommate. He was the son, grandson, and great grandson of Baptist missionaries to Brazil. Had spent much of his childhood there. So while climbing a tree, he fell, breaking his arm in the process. Knowing that this was somehow a lesson from God, he goes to his retired missionary grandfather and asked what the meaning of this was...what's God telling me in this...expecting a sage response from his wise grandfather. His grandfather pauses, rubs his chin, then says "He's telling you that rotten branches don't hold heavy boys".

Well, amen.
If this is true the he should be free

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Just a follow up....

When Sheriff turned himself in...

'“When he was taken into custody, I was told by one of the other officers there that he made the comment, ‘They’re trying to kidnap my wife and kid,’” he said.

“Basically, all he said was, ‘Treat me fair,’” Stamper added.'

I can't help but note the "THEY" part. I have a feeling there is a lot more to this story then just the judge and his daughter. Won't hold my breath that more will come out.
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