Was that pimp Smokey?



Arsenal FC, Detroit Lions
Aug 10, 2006
I hated smokeys outfit at the Georgia game.
anyone have a pic?...I didn't really pay that much attention to it during the broadcast...brewskies and adrenaline; you know the story.:)
Yes, that was Pimp Smokey behind Holly Rowe on the sideline.

They usually change costumes multiple times a game.

I was wishing he would come up and "pimp smack" Holly Rowe right out of that pleather jacket she had on.
I guess you could say Uga was smokey's beeatch.........
we were laughing our tails off at holly's leather jacket and frazzled hair with pimp smokey swaggering by in the background. a real classic.
I still say people should be shot for putting clothes on a dog . . . but that's just me.

For that matter, somebody should shoot whomever decided to use Holly Rowe as a sideling reporter.
I guess you could say Uga was smokey's beeatch.........

lol, we had T-shirts of that made up my senior year in 2004, with a cartoon of Smokey getting it on with UGA. Too bad we got killed that year. But I did get a lot of interesting looks wearing the shirt at the game... some good... some bad... but hey it was funny.
I was at the game, and before the players came out the real Smokey and Uga got a quick snap at each other about 2 inches away from each other's grill.
i'm happy to own my own pimp suit just like smokey's. found it in new orleans and i had to have it. its been a great halloween costume for years.
I dont think this is the first time that he has wore his PIMP suit. I am pretty sure he has wore it more than once this year.
Well, I really like it and I like how he stole the camera time away from the commentator. Did anyone else notice how the camera man focused on Smokey and not the announcer?
I've been to all the home games this year and Smokey has had that pimp suit on at most if not all of the home games.

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