We finished with a better record than Florida.



Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2007
To me, that is an amazing turnaround. The Gators didn't exactly nosedive to get where they are, but this team could have folded it up and played out another 2005. They didn't. That shows character. I am proud of this team. Especially the way the defense stepped up.
To me, that is an amazing turnaround. The Gators didn't exactly nosedive to get where they are, but this team could have folded it up and played out another 2005. They didn't. That shows character. I am proud of this team. Especially the way the defense stepped up.

Mediocrity at its finest.
They dang sure couldnt call it "Tennessee where the fans are behind you win or lose"
I'd say we remain amazingly behind the team, but I'm even more amazed that we continue to support Fulmer the way we do. We toss around words like loyalty and dean like they mean wins or something.
They dang sure couldnt call it "Tennesse where the fans are behind you win or lose"

That's what's really disappointing about what Tennessee Football once was. Vol fans stood behind them when they started out 0-6 one year.

If I couldn't find a way to show some support for a 10-win team, honestly, I just find another team and quit whinning all the time.
All I know is, is that Michigan should have beaten Florida worse than they did. I hope Chavis watches film from this game and the new OC watches how to put up points against FL.
That's what's really disappointing about what Tennessee Football once was. Vol fans stood behind them when they started out 0-6 one year.

If I couldn't find a way to show some support for a 10-win team, honestly, I just find another team and quit whinning all the time.

How did all these fair weather fans live with themselves through the losing streak Majors had to bama?

Hatvol, bigpapa, and tvolsfan you have no character. And should have been called out about it a long time ago.

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