True, but ND is a big football school that many players would love to have a chance to play there. Stanford is bigger of a draw than Vandy academically.Notre Dame and Stanford also have high academic standards, yet produce competitive teams. The same can also be said of the service academies. Most of the football players I knew in High School were in either the National Honor Society or the Beta Club.
I don't know the specifics of that but most private schools, maybe all of 'em, will stretch the entry requirements for the right person. Vandy makes a big deal about not admitting athletes who cannot meet the academic entry requirements but there are plenty of knuckleheads attending school on West End who's only qualifying criteria was to be born into some wealthly family from Preston Hollow or Champion Forest and have a mumsie who was a Tri-Delt at Vandy.Is MIami harder to get in to than of Fla and Fla ST.