I think even pointing out that mentality is disingenuous. One of the major roots of recent growth in the Republican party and the creation of "red states vs blue states" is predicated on there being a "real America" that has immense disdain for the east coast and west coast liberal elites and the media. That's no less class warfare than the 99% vs. the 1% or however you want to put it.
As long as there is stratification in society, there will be tension. It's just a fact of life.
Obama pushing progressive tax structure for the sake of progressiveness is stupid. Democrats by and large base their tax structure on populism, while Republicans by and large seem to be pro-business (as opposed to pro-free market; there is a big difference) and don't seem to be willing to address underlying structural issues.
Basically, dems go "rates on the wealthy are too low!" Republicans go "rates are too high!" and they're debating an issue that is superfluous and won't fix anything.