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Drive-By Expert
Jul 11, 2008
Who was at the BBQ last night? I got to meet Coach Jones, hear him speak. It was pretty cool. He shook my hand, i told him good luck and I felt like a 12 yr old girl at a New Kids On the Block concert... Lol

We had RS Fr Joe Stocstill (LB) and RS So Alex Ellis (TE) at our table. They told us they were both QBs in high school. Ellis said he's grown 4" while at UT.

AJ Johnson was at the table next to us, ppl wouldn't even let the guy eat.

I was very impressed at how respectful those young players were. Always Sir, and shaking hands when they had to leave. The players never acted irritated with all the fans acting crazy and handled it like pros.

My sons loved seeing real UT players in person.

I'll post a few pics when I get a chance, on my cell...
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I didn't go this year, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn last night. In all seriousness, I'm sure it was cool and am looking forward to some pics.
Went last night. Jordan Williams sat at our table. Only thing that sucked was some players were hesitant to do autographs. I got a few when I saw them moving around. I didn't want to interrupt anybody while they ate.
Player autographs were suppose to be on the black and white posters given out only, I you have them another item that may be why the were hesitant, UT has a new autograph policy due to Manziels issues of late.
Great idea by Butch having another function opening up to the fans. Hope he coaches games as well as he recruits and handles PR.
Great idea by Butch having another function opening up to the fans. Hope he coaches games as well as he recruits and handles PR.

Been open for years..tickets Werent advertised but anyone can buy them..just like young alumni functions..open to anyone with money
Player autographs were suppose to be on the black and white posters given out only, I you have them another item that may be why the were hesitant, UT has a new autograph policy due to Manziels issues of late.

I had the poster that was given out for autographs. I noticed more of the starters were hesitant. I didn't know if the coaches had discouraged them and told them to take more pictures instead. Just sucks that the Manziel issue tainted the evening a bit.
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Black and white posters declared the new day. Fans entering the arena were met by a set of rules headlined, “Autograph Restrictions.” The poster began, “Due to NCAA concerns, we ask all attendees to please adhere to our autograph policy.”
Those policies stated players could not sign personally owned items such as footballs and helmets. Instead, only a university-issued poster could be signed and every signature had to be personalized by the student-athlete to the recipient.
The poster ended with an italicized message saying profiting from autographs could result in the loss of a student-athlete’s eligibility.

That's the long-short of the UT policy. Fans shouldn't push for anything other than that. That's just the way it is now.
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