Well Here I Am


Crimson Raider

Junior Member
Oct 24, 2004
OK!!!!! Big Orange Truth here I am. Gret game between 2 great TEAMS with the BETTER TEAM coming away with the W> :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead:
As I said>>I would come to your BOARD and EAT CROW>Doesn't taste very good!!! Hoope all the Boy's are in good shape after the game and I wish ya'll luck with the rest of the year.

Always Bleed Crimson :naughty: :lol: :lol: :naughty:
Classy, sir. Please, feel free to stick around the board. We're nice to the cool Bama fans such as yourself.
Glad you stopped back by. Good luck the rest of the way.
See if you can't beat Auburn for us... Hey, it's a long shot, but boy wouldn't that be nice? :D
Crimson Raider you sir are a man or your word just as sonnyboy is. Welcome to the volnation. Just so you know I chose BOT on your board to in objection to a post ya'll had on there. Here is my real name. VOLBEEF88
GO VOLS!!!!!!!!!!

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