@WestTennesseeFox search party thread

The best self defense, especially for ladies, is what ever gets you out of the situation. In that regard we taught a lot of judo throws. The thought process being “throw them down and run before they get up” never never never never stand and fight. It was all about getting away.
Seems very smart. My nose might be a little less crooked if I’d taken a class like that 30_something years ago.
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Except never go for the nuts. That’s the first thing the bad guys are looking for. However they never see the eye poke coming.
No pun intended

Thumb to the eye is the first shot.

The two times I was in that situation

Time 1 - Cast iron skillet to the face. That was it.

Time 2 - Mace to Eyes, elbow to jaw, punch to face, and kick in the nuts for good measure
The two times I was in that situation

Time 1 - Cast iron skillet to the face. That was it.

Time 2 - Mace to Eyes, elbow to jaw, punch to face, and kick in the nuts for good measure
Absolutely if the opportunity is there but I’d still like it if you we’re running away at some point very early in the confrontation.
Absolutely if the opportunity is there but I’d still like it if you we’re running away at some point very early in the confrontation.

Time 1 - I was cornered between wall and stove with abusive stepfather.

Time 2 - I was cornered in a room at a party in college

Both times I needed to fight to get out of the corner before I could run. Both times I broke a bone on the guy's face.
Time 1 - I was cornered between wall and stove with abusive stepfather.

Time 2 - I was cornered in a room at a party in college

Both times I needed to fight to get out of the corner before I could run. Both times I broke a bone on the guy's face.

I’m glad you got out of both situations reasonably unharmed
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Yes but SCOTUS has set aside the age restrictions in 3 previous cases. That to run and campaign you must be 35 but a grassroots movement that chose to elect someone younger reduces the age required to adulthood (18).
Not sure but I do know you can write in whoever you want. I am going to vote for my son next.
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My sisters are 3&1/3 years younger than me. When they turned 13, some of my “fringe friends” became protective of them. Men and boys who disrespected them would be quietly and gravely threatened with being taken out into the woods, stripped nekkid, and left tied to a tree. Yes, today, you think that the threat rings hollow as it must have then. No, at least three of my friends were quite willing to make good on the threat. It was as troubling as it was reassuring when I left town. I knew my sisters would be looked after, but I didn’t want my friends being prosecuted for their extreme measures.

deja vu

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