What A Play

the last two days has been some of the best basketball I have ever seen. I hope the final four is even better.
I have a feeling that Kentucky has this in the bag now. we need to cherish these past couple days. there will proably never bee another tournament like this one again.
man I want kentucky to win. kind of proves to people are conference wasn't as weak as they say. If I can't root for tennessee, I root for sec.
Arizona did it yesterday and Kentucky just did it. What the crap is wrong with spreading out the offense, getting the ball into your big man, and letting him get the last shot and, most likely draw a foul.

I can't believe Ky couldn't get a sorry shot off in 22 seconds. I honestly believe I could get four more of you guys and get a decent shot off in 22 seconds!
well i'm thinking that kentucky is going to need alot of help.
I think Sparks is going to hit a three from way downtown to make this thing interesting before its over.
i wonder why the heck would you foul a 90.7 carreer free throw shooter. :question:
There they go again. Let MSU run the clock down and then foul. Foul with more time left so you have options if they make both free throws.

You see what happens. They make two and now you don't have time to score, foul, and score again.

Ky acts like they don't want to win this thing. Disgusting.
it is pretty bad. they were hoping for a steal or a jump ball. now they have to score real fast, foul and score agian.
thats it. well i got illinois north carolina championship game.
I really hope not. Carolina winning it in basketball is the equivalent for me of Florida, Alabama, Miami, or Notre Dame winning it in football.

Rotten, rotten, rotten!!! :bad: :shakehead: :disappointed:
I didn't say win the whole thing. I am not dumb. Illinois is going to hand it to them. UNC is too cocky and for some reason I hold a big grudge aginst roy williams.
HaHaHaHaHa KenSucky lost! I know that I should have been pulling for the SEC.....I just can't do it when Kensucky plays.
Well that will go down as one of the best performances ever to lose later in the game.
I thought the Wake Forest vs. WVU was better....but that's just me. Sparks shoelace was on the line.....2 pointer!
I personally like the illinois game (second favorite team is the illini). So it was a good feeling when they won.

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