What about UofM's Coach?



guy on the sideline
Aug 13, 2006
What about Coach Rock from Memphis? He has turned around a dead program competing against UT,Ole Miss,Miss St. and Vandy for recruits. Led Memphis to first region in 13 years. Has been an assistant in the SEC....what does everyone else think? I hear he is a classy guy and he seems to promote Memphis baseball to the world like Coach Pearl promotes UT basketball
Coach Rock is all that you have mentioned. He does very well recruiting in state and putting a quality program on the field.

Also for those of you who think an ex-ML guy would do the trick????? Coach Rock just spent the last three years turning a dead program run by an ex- ML in Dave Anderson.

Coach Rock has the league experience and the proven success at Memphis. If we do not get him now someone else will.
Rock has agreed in principle to a contract extension through 2011. I know, it means nothing until the ink dries, but it indicates he's likely to stay put in Memphis.
that doesnt mean a whole lot....if he doesnt sign the extension then doesnt get a new job then he wouldnt get a raise....so he had to sign the extension to atleast guarentee himself a raise rather he is at Memphis or UT or somewhere esle
Why is Hamilton an idiot? He hired Bruce Pearl, didn't he?

Hamilton is reminding me of Jeremy Foley at UF. He's turning into a very good AD. He's certainly no idiot. Coach Rock has signed a 4 year extension at Memphis so this issue is pretty much closed.
Everyone, Bruce Pearl, Bruce Pearl, lets see if everything Mike Hamilton touches turns to gold, bet that it does not. My previous statement is reflected on the fact we contact Gary McClure and not Daron Schoenrock??????
Everyone, Bruce Pearl, Bruce Pearl, lets see if everything Mike Hamilton touches turns to gold, bet that it does not. My previous statement is reflected on the fact we contact Gary McClure and not Daron Schoenrock??????

Given the limited information provided by Hammy at this point who knows who we've contacted? Likely he's contacted several he hasn't mentioned and likely several have contacted him. Now is a good time to keep the cards close to the vest if you are in his shoes. All most of us are doing is speculating anyway. You like Shoenrock, I like Pierce. Maybe both have been contacted privately and said no. Maybe neither has been contacted...who knows?

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