What change(s) would you make in college football?


Low Country Vol

Old School Vol
Aug 22, 2005
1) OT format. I like the NFL style getting an extra sudden death period. Although the college format is exciting they can last a long time.
2) 2 feet in bounds for pass catching. 1 is too easy.
3) Knee on ground without being touched should not result in automatic dead play. I think any player who slips or catches a ball while the knee on the ground should be able to get up until touched down on the ground or tackled.

Your thoughts and ideas?
I like the college OT the way it is. NFL games can still end in a tie and the coin toss has way too much to do with who wins.

I probably would not change any of the above if it was up to me.

(brg72 @ Jun 27 said:
1) OT format. I like the NFL style getting an extra sudden death period. Although the college format is exciting they can last a long time.
2) 2 feet in bounds for pass catching. 1 is too easy.
3) Knee on ground without being touched should not result in automatic dead play. I think any player who slips or catches a ball while the knee on the ground should be able to get up until touched down on the ground or tackled.
Your thoughts and ideas?

I disagree on all 3 items. These are some of the things that make the college game unique and different than the NFL. If I want those rules, I'll just watch the NFL.

However, one change I would add to Division I-A is to create a playoff similar to the other NCAA divisions (I-AA, II, III, and even NAIA). It has already been determined that the bowl system can be left intact for those teams not in the playoff. They will be no more meaningless than they are now for non-BCS bowls. 50+ schools currently make bowls. Several more "bowl eligible" teams get left out. If 8 teams were in a playoff, that would create spots for the eligible teams that get left out every year.
:banghead: Not just in College football, but in all of sports, but especially the college football bowl games, GET RID OF THE PRODUCT NAMES! (The Capital One Valvoline Depends Undergarments Outback Bowl) It is driving me crazy. And it's every year something different, one year its the Sprite Just for the taste of it Bowl, next year its the Verizon Airwaves Bowl brought to you by Nextel. I have always loved "The Colloseum" and really didn't mind Adelphia Colloseum, now it's "LP Field", I hate it, nothing against the fine folks at LP. These stadiums and fields are sacred ground to fans, at least leave them alone please. I have decided this is the point in my life that I rebel, and I invite you all to join me, this whole next season, I will refer to the home field of my beloved Titans as "The Colloseum", and when Zbowl season rolls around, I will not refer to any bowl game by anything other than it's proper name, ie. The Sugar Bowl. I am now in rebellion. Starting......now.
(1) No instant replays.
(2) Pass intereference should be a spot foul. This 15 yard thing is ridiculous IMO. I would also like to see a little more contact allowed on a consistent basis. There is nothing wrong with putting a hand on another player so long as there is not pushing/pulling.
(3) Consolidate the 5 yard inadvertent facemask and 15 yard intentional/continuous facemask into a single 10 yard penalty.

Basically, IMO many of the college refs are a munch of biased jacka$$e$ and I am in favor of just about any rule change that decreases the officials' ability to change the course of a game through subjective decisions.
Umm...more shots of the ladies like the world cup has done so well with.
(brg72 @ Jun 27 said:
1) OT format. I like the NFL style getting an extra sudden death period. Although the college format is exciting they can last a long time.
2) 2 feet in bounds for pass catching. 1 is too easy.
3) Knee on ground without being touched should not result in automatic dead play. I think any player who slips or catches a ball while the knee on the ground should be able to get up until touched down on the ground or tackled.
Your thoughts and ideas?

I can't stand the pro overtime system. Like Volfreak sez, the winner is decided way too often by the coin toss.

My half of four cents: Seven words: Pee. Ell. Ay. Why. Oh. Ef. Ef.

Make the placement for a field goal similar to rugby. For example if you score in the right side of the endzone lineup the extra point on the right hash mark. This would bring a premium to a score in the middle of the end zone, as opposed to the corner. More trade-offs mean more strategy.

(brg72 @ Jun 27 said:
Make the placement for a field goal similar to rugby. For example if you score in the right side of the endzone lineup the extra point on the right hash mark. This would bring a premium to a score in the middle of the end zone, as opposed to the corner. More trade-offs mean more strategy.

That is interesting.

I know we have discussed this one too much after the bammer game. Fumble out of the endzone.

(vols kick balls @ Jun 27 said:
the only thing i would change is that in overtime each team would get the ball at the 50.

I agree, a team should at least have to move the ball 15 to 20 yards before getting in FG position.

Also, pertaining to the 15 yards for P.I., I love that rule. It actually rewards smart defensive backs. However, most DBs playing in D-1 these days aren't exactly bright enough to use that rule to their advantage.
(USAF_Vol @ Jun 27 said:
I know we have discussed this one too much after the bammer game. Fumble out of the endzone.

Okay. It should be a change of posession. I have no problem with the rule as it stands. If you make a big defensive play to strip the ball with you back against your own goal line then you deserve the posession. The question that comes into play is where the ball seems to cross the goal line and then gets knocked out of the ball carrier's hands while he is still moving forward. That is a TD.

While we are on the subject, it occurs to me that we have the technology to tell if a line is crossed using simple lasers like they use in professional tennis. I'm all for applying that in CFB. Again, anything that makes it more objective and takes control away from the refs I am for it.
1. Start OT at the 50.
2. Make instant replay the same in D-IA.
3. Playoffs.
4. Bowl games for all other winning teams.
(VolunteerHillbilly @ Jun 27 said:
Okay. It should be a change of posession. I have no problem with the rule as it stands. If you make a big defensive play to strip the ball with you back against your own goal line then you deserve the posession. The question that comes into play is where the ball seems to cross the goal line and then gets knocked out of the ball carrier's hands while he is still moving forward. That is a TD.

So if it goes out of bounds on the sideline it should be different?

If it's stripped and goes to the back of the endzone, the ball should be down whereever it was stripped.

It's not making a defensive play with your back to the wall. It's a defensive play, but you should have to recover it.
I say the "coin toss" of an NFL overtime game absolutely does not give an advantage to the receiving team.

That's like saying the opening kickoff gives an advantage to the receiving team.

Unless proven that most teams who win are the ones who score on the opening kickoff, I pledge to keep the rule the same. Unless I'm Jerome Bettis, of course.
One idea that I heard that seems screwy until you think about it: Start every OT possession with the offensive team kicking off and then give them possession at the point where the return ends. It would bring special teams kick coverage into the game which is the only element that isn't involved now. If you stopped them on their own 15, you'd be rewarded with a short field; if they ripped off a 60 yard return, you'd pay the price.
(GAVol @ Jun 27 said:
One idea that I heard that seems screwy until you think about it: Start every OT possession with the offensive team kicking off and then give them possession at the point where the return ends. It would bring special teams kick coverage into the game which is the only element that isn't involved now.

That's got to be one of the brightest ideas I've never thought of. :devilsmoke:

It would get "everyone" involved, and the special teams ,including the kickers, deepsnappers, and holders, return coverage, etc., something to do besides biting their nails thinking, "thank God that's not me."

Excellent idea!!!!!!!
(brg72 @ Jun 27 said:
1) OT format. I like the NFL style getting an extra sudden death period. Although the college format is exciting they can last a long time.
2) 2 feet in bounds for pass catching. 1 is too easy.
3) Knee on ground without being touched should not result in automatic dead play. I think any player who slips or catches a ball while the knee on the ground should be able to get up until touched down on the ground or tackled.
Your thoughts and ideas?
i could see the OT being changed so the kicking game and feild position could be utilized, but nothing else....those rules are already in place...the NFL.....i like that there is differences in the NFL and college...
If UT and BAMA had of gone into OT last year and started at the 50 the game might still be going on. I say start at the 35; then you have to gain a few yards to get a realistic shot at a FG.
without a doubt, my change would be to add a playoff system to decide the NC. College football teams and fans are cheated every year with the current system. It is absolutely atrocious.
I'd dump the BCS completely, scrap any notion of a ful blown playoff and go back to the conference tie ins for all the bowl games, then let #1 play #2 during the offweek before the Super Bowl in mid January.

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