What Do You Guys Think Of This?


The Swamp

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2005
After wrestling with the politically delicate issue for more than four years, the NCAA may be close to rendering a verdict on the use of Native American mascots and nicknames - from Indians and Braves to Redmen and Savages - by 30 of its member universities.

The governing body will conduct the first in a series of summer meetings next month and could decide by August whether it can and should impose a ban on Indian imagery, which critics charge is demeaning and even racist.

Ultimate responsibility falls to the NCAA's highest body, the 17-member Executive Committee, which meets in early August.

Whether the association will or legally must continue to yield to individual campus discretion - as the NCAA does on such matters as minority hiring - is uncertain. Targets range from Florida State (Seminoles) and Utah (Utes) to lower-division institutions with particularly provocative nicknames: Southeastern Oklahoma (Savages) and Carthage, Wis. (Redmen).


anyone have any name ideas for the criminoes :dlol:

personally i think its dumb, but i enjoy watching F$U go through this :neener:
That is about as stupid as it comes. If that is all they have to do maybe its time to disband the NCAA.

Watchout the next thing they'll try and do is make schools with nicknames after animals change them.
you would think that these "critics" would be proud that teams would want mascots named for them, I would be flattered if one of these schools called themselves the "Ninjas"!!!
Originally posted by volmanjr@May 17, 2005 4:36 PM
I would be flattered if one of these schools called themselves the "Ninjas"!!!

Or the Juniors for that matter..
I'm native american and I think it's stupid that people make an issue out of this. Most of the people that champion crap like this aren't even related to the issue. They don't have a drop of native blood. Why do this? They just do it for the attention and to promote their BS, PC agendas. I say they can all go to hell. :thefinger:
I think this country is going down the hell hole with sensitivity.
This has to be some of the most stupid things I have ever known. Its just plain dumb to have to change a mascots name because its says seminole and savage. just dumb. Next they are going to say that we have to change our name from vols because we disgrace on nations past by using it as a football teams name.
That is pretty stupid! Id never in a million think something like this would ever be dreamed up.

To me it would be looked as an honor to my people and be thankful for the recognition.

But as Wolfoflon said theres probably not a native or any other complaints. Just America home of the Offended
this PC world we are living in is crazy, hey I'm only 5 ft 6 but youi don't have to call me vertically challenged...I'm short!!!!!
They should change their name to the Bozos. I mean hell, they're already a clown school. It would fit prefectly!
Well, as much as they rever their coach, they should just name them selves "The Bowdens". Either that or the "Almost U-Home of the Wide Rights"
Originally posted by orangetd88@May 18, 2005 12:23 AM
They should change their name to the Bozos.  I mean hell, they're already a clown school.  It would fit prefectly!

your right on, hit the nail on the head :p

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