What do you think of this quote?



Junior Member
Feb 3, 2006
Per Dick Morris. Pretty harsh, but I can't bring myself to outright dismiss it. What do you think?

"The politics of 2009 will be dominated by a continuation and deepening of the global Depression. Under the guise of stimulating the economy, look for Obama to pursue a radical, socialist agenda that will bring America into conformity with the government domination of health care and the economy that prevails in the European Union. When the dust clears, the economy will still be in the tank. The new president's stimulation packages will do little or nothing to abate the depression, but they will transform American life and politics. For his part, Obama will take advantage of his built-in majorities in Congress to pass his agenda, but will suffer rapidly dropping ratings. By the end of the year, he will be as radioactive as Bush is today."
I agree with everything until the last two sentences. BHO, like FDR, will remain popular to those who elected him. While the free market system is overtaken through the nationalization of industry, aka "bailouts", those who initially sided with BHO will continue showerpraise upon him.
the bailout stuff is massively overblown. The paper that people are signing up for in taking gov't money is high priced loans that become near usurious if not refinanced away over the course of 5 years.
I agree with everything until the last two sentences. BHO, like FDR, will remain popular to those who elected him. While the free market system is overtaken through the nationalization of industry, aka "bailouts", those who initially sided with BHO will continue showerpraise upon him.

So what if the free market system tanks, we still have the flea market system.
Per Dick Morris. Pretty harsh, but I can't bring myself to outright dismiss it. What do you think?

"The politics of 2009 will be dominated by a continuation and deepening of the global Depression. Under the guise of stimulating the economy, look for Obama to pursue a radical, socialist agenda that will bring America into conformity with the government domination of health care and the economy that prevails in the European Union. When the dust clears, the economy will still be in the tank. The new president's stimulation packages will do little or nothing to abate the depression, but they will transform American life and politics. For his part, Obama will take advantage of his built-in majorities in Congress to pass his agenda, but will suffer rapidly dropping ratings. By the end of the year, he will be as radioactive as Bush is today."

Who didnt know this? Here is why i voted against him.
It's interesting to me that Dick Morris was part of the Clinton White House. So he is not exactly biased againt Obama. He probably really believes this, or at the very least, is doing the foxnews bidding to pick up a paycheck. The way he blasted Hillary in the primaries and then became her friend when Obama secured the nomination tells me it is probably more of the latter.

Obama is not even president yet and the fear mongering has started. I wouldn't dismiss this, but I wouldn't exactly call it prophecy either.
It's interesting to me that Dick Morris was part of the Clinton White House. So he is not exactly biased againt Obama. He probably really believes this, or at the very least, is doing the foxnews bidding to pick up a paycheck. The way he blasted Hillary in the primaries and then became her friend when Obama secured the nomination tells me it is probably more of the latter.

Obama is not even president yet and the fear mongering has started. I wouldn't dismiss this, but I wouldn't exactly call it prophecy either.[/quote]

I was wondering mostly about what people thought along that last line of thinking. How much of this seems genuinely plausible and how much seems over the top? Morris's take that an economic downturn is precisely the time (if one was so inclined) to advance a socialistic agenda I think is nigh impossible to dispute. That this will in fact be Obama et al's goal is open for debate.

I just worry that way too many people are willing to fall into the trap laid out in Dosteovsky's "Grand Inquisitor":

"In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, 'Make us your slaves, but feed us.'"
Per Dick Morris. Pretty harsh, but I can't bring myself to outright dismiss it. What do you think?

"The politics of 2009 will be dominated by a continuation and deepening of the global Depression. Under the guise of stimulating the economy, look for Obama to pursue a radical, socialist agenda that will bring America into conformity with the government domination of health care and the economy that prevails in the European Union. When the dust clears, the economy will still be in the tank. The new president's stimulation packages will do little or nothing to abate the depression, but they will transform American life and politics. For his part, Obama will take advantage of his built-in majorities in Congress to pass his agenda, but will suffer rapidly dropping ratings. By the end of the year, he will be as radioactive as Bush is today."

I agree that the world economy will dominate politics past 2009.

I do not agree that Obama will use it as an "excuse" to make "radical" change. All change is, by definition, incremental -- its the size and frequency of the increments that matters. I imagine you will see expansion of Medicare and Medicaid because 8 % unemployment will tend to do that. But you won't see anything remotely resembling universal health care.

I agree that Obama's popularity will cool, as it inevitably must. But it won't ever be in the Bush range.

No matter what happens -- everyone could become a zillionaire and we could cure cancer and everyone could quit their jobs and live happily ever after -- and Dick Morris will claim Obama did something wrong.
Per Dick Morris. Pretty harsh, but I can't bring myself to outright dismiss it. What do you think?

"The politics of 2009 will be dominated by a continuation and deepening of the global Depression. Under the guise of stimulating the economy, look for Obama to pursue a radical, socialist agenda that will bring America into conformity with the government domination of health care and the economy that prevails in the European Union. When the dust clears, the economy will still be in the tank. The new president's stimulation packages will do little or nothing to abate the depression, but they will transform American life and politics. For his part, Obama will take advantage of his built-in majorities in Congress to pass his agenda, but will suffer rapidly dropping ratings. By the end of the year, he will be as radioactive as Bush is today."
Yes, he will!
I was wondering mostly about what people thought along that last line of thinking. How much of this seems genuinely plausible and how much seems over the top? Morris's take that an economic downturn is precisely the time (if one was so inclined) to advance a socialistic agenda I think is nigh impossible to dispute. That this will in fact be Obama et al's goal is open for debate.

I just worry that way too many people are willing to fall into the trap laid out in Dosteovsky's "Grand Inquisitor":

"In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, 'Make us your slaves, but feed us.'"

To not think those are Obama and company's goals is to not think at all, unless he suddenly makes some sort of u-turn. He will do all he can get by with. The truth of the matter is that he is just a puppet of those who put him where he is and can just as easily run him out of town one way or the other any time they please.

And I have even less respect for Biden.

Pardon my cynicism.

Gotta love Dostoevsky and Tolstoy.

Ayn Rand knew first hand what it was like to live under the all knowing socialist tyrants.

"The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by precedent, by implication, by erosion, by default, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other - until the day when they are suddenly declared to be the country's official ideology."
~ Ayn Rand

"We have four boxes with which to defend our freedom: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box."
Lawrence (Larry) Patton McDonald

2008 presidential election results county by county.


Who here doesn't think there was wide spread, outrageous corruption of the election process by way of voter fraud??????

I agree that the world economy will dominate politics past 2009.

I do not agree that Obama will use it as an "excuse" to make "radical" change. All change is, by definition, incremental -- its the size and frequency of the increments that matters. I imagine you will see expansion of Medicare and Medicaid because 8 % unemployment will tend to do that. But you won't see anything remotely resembling universal health care.

I agree that Obama's popularity will cool, as it inevitably must. But it won't ever be in the Bush range.

No matter what happens -- everyone could become a zillionaire and we could cure cancer and everyone could quit their jobs and live happily ever after -- and Dick Morris will claim Obama did something wrong.

"Anybody who's convinced that Barack Obama belongs in the White House, except as part of a tour group, is the same sort of twit who actually believes that Jimmy Carter is a living saint and that Hillary Clinton is the smartest woman in America." ---Burt Prelutsky

“The message the Democrats sent today is that no matter now steadfastly you stand with us, we will turn our backs on you when it is politically convenient.”
G. W. Bush

"To sensible conservatives, it is virtually incomprehensible that the Republican Party can't quite figure out why their prospects for the 2008 election seem so dim. Here's your first clue, boys and girls: America already has one socialist, tax-and-spend, appeasement-oriented, global warming Kool-aid drinking political party. Who needs two of them?"
---Arnold Ahlert

Wonder how many times 666 voted.

You're not a real liberal unless you vote in at least five states and you're not a good democrat unless you vote in at least five precincts.

In an early '70s election I voted for Pat Paulsen and Foster Brooks for pres and vp in two precincts, I noticed another guy who was also in line at both places and started a conversation with him, he called me a rank amateur. He was voting in six precincts and in the next election it would be seven since he had an aunt moving out to one of the suburbs and he would soon be voting in that one also.

Democrats are forever, death is no excuse to stop voting.:rock:
You're not a real liberal unless you vote in at least five states and you're not a good democrat unless you vote in at least five precincts.

In an early '70s election I voted for Pat Paulsen and Foster Brooks for pres and vp in two precincts, I noticed another guy who was also in line at both places and started a conversation with him, he called me a rank amateur. He was voting in six precincts and in the next election it would be seven since he had an aunt moving out to one of the suburbs and he would soon be voting in that one also.

Democrats are forever, death is no excuse to stop voting.:rock:

Thankfully, there is no history or record of Republicans stuffing ballot boxes, or engaging in manipulation of vote totals, or using questionable or even illegal tactics for voter suppression.

Thankfully, there is no history or record of Republicans stuffing ballot boxes, or engaging in manipulation of vote totals, or using questionable or even illegal tactics for voter suppression.

good point. Republicans are notorious for pushing more votes.
It will take more then a year for him to reach the unpopularity of Bush. Dick Morris is a good campaign advisor, I don't put a lot of faith in his opinion on economics.
It will take more then a year for him to reach the unpopularity of Bush. Dick Morris is a good campaign advisor, I don't put a lot of faith in his opinion on economics.

I'm guessing here but I think Morris was working from the fact Obama went in with a big chunk of his supporters riding on a lot of promises and "change" rhetoric. Call their expectations unrealistic but there are going to be a whole bunch of people that will be sorely disappointed in what doesn't happen under Obama if Morris is correct about the economy. That could make for a more precipitous drop in ratings than might be the norm.

Perhaps not to this (astonishing) degree but there are a bunch of Obamaniacs in for rude awakenings.

YouTube - Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!!
No matter what happens -- everyone could become a zillionaire and we could cure cancer and everyone could quit their jobs and live happily ever after -- and Dick Morris will claim Obama did something wrong.

Or... Obama can continue to do things like appoint Arne Duncan SOE and the press will continue to gloss over such events as they do everything else Obama does. Or am I looking at the results of the Chicago public schools incorrectly?
No matter what happens -- everyone could become a zillionaire and we could cure cancer and everyone could quit their jobs and live happily ever after -- and Dick Morris will claim Obama did something wrong.
Of course we can quit our jobs. BHO is going to take care of our mortgage, as well as pay for all our gas...
Posted via VolNation Mobile
It will take more then a year for him to reach the unpopularity of Bush. Dick Morris is a good campaign advisor, I don't put a lot of faith in his opinion on economics.

Speaking of campaign advisors let me submit this, it is dated but still enlightening I think:

As an “ordinary American,” I sincerely question whether Barack Obama has the judgment to be president. His lack of judgment in choosing Eric Holder as a top adviser on his campaign -- the man partly responsible for pardoning terrorists who proudly claimed responsibility for my father’s murder -- serves as primary evidence supporting that judgment.

Holder now leads Obama’s team selecting his running mate for vice president, perhaps Obama’s most important decision during the campaign. Mr. Holder, formerly the No. 2 official in former President Bill Clinton’s Justice Department, often is mentioned as a potential attorney general in an Obama administration. This is the same man who was a driving force behind President Clinton’s pardons of members of the notorious Puerto Rican terrorist group, the Armed Forces for National Liberation (FALN).

The FALN was one of the most prolific terrorist organizations ever to wage war against the American people. They proudly claimed responsibility for over 130 bombings and incendiary attacks in the U.S. and Puerto Rico between 1974 and 1983, killing six and wounding scores.

Among these vicious, cold-blooded attacks was the Jan. 24, 1975, lunchtime bombing at New York City’s historic Fraunces Tavern. Four innocent men were murdered that day, and one of them was my 33-year-old father, Frank Connor. My father had been very excited to get home from work that night to celebrate my brother’s and my recent 11th and 9th birthdays with his young family. Instead, after my father’s funeral, mourners shared a dinner in our home that was meant for our birthday celebration.

Eight of these FALN terrorists later would receive pardons from President Clinton, even though they remained unrepentant. Indeed, after 18 years in prison, Ricardo Jimenez explained to Tim Russert on Meet the Press, just days after his release, that people died at Fraunces Tavern because “measures were not taken that were necessary by the people who owned those establishments.” As I watched this surreal interview I thought, “My father was eating lunch in a crowded restaurant in New York City. What precautions should the owners have taken?”

How does this outrageous and tragic story reflect on Barack Obama’s judgment?

Holder played a central role in freeing these terrorists. As the deputy attorney general, he was responsible for signing off on all clemency matters forwarded to the President, and in this case he recommended that clemency be granted -- despite vehement opposition from the FBI, the Bureau of Prisons, and his own Justice Department.

Was Holder the obedient DAG providing the Clintons’ with justification for politically craven pardons? Or did Holder actually believe in unleashing unrepentant, communist terrorists on the public?

Either way, should this man influence a potential VP selection or one day be the nation’s top law enforcement officer? Absolutely not.

As Obama declares America needs his presidency because “ordinary Americans are hurting,” I recall the pain that one of his top advisers and a potential attorney general was an accomplice to inflicting on at least one “ordinary American” family. And then I am reminded how Holder’s actions also helped place America in harm’s way.

When he elevated Holder to such a senior campaign position, did Obama reflect the kind of judgment we need in a president? Absolutely not.

It's interesting to me that Dick Morris was part of the Clinton White House. So he is not exactly biased againt Obama. He probably really believes this, or at the very least, is doing the foxnews bidding to pick up a paycheck. The way he blasted Hillary in the primaries and then became her friend when Obama secured the nomination tells me it is probably more of the latter.

Obama is not even president yet and the fear mongering has started. I wouldn't dismiss this, but I wouldn't exactly call it prophecy either.

You know what, you don't know dick from dinola.

Thankfully, there is no history or record of Republicans stuffing ballot boxes, or engaging in manipulation of vote totals, or using questionable or even illegal tactics for voter suppression.


As you may have heard, each of us
will be getting a tax rebate check
to stimulate the economy.

If we spend that money at Wal-Mart,
all the money will go to China . If
we spend it on gasoline it will go
to the Arabs. If we purchase a computer
it will go to India . If we purchase
fruits and vegetables it will go to
Honduras and Guatemala . If we purchase
a good car it will go to Japan . If
we purchase useless stuff it will go
to Taiwan and none of it will help
the American economy.

The only way to keep that money here
at home is to spend it at yard sales,
since those are the only businesses
left owned by Americans!!!

VN Store
