is there really much of a possibility we maintain AAA? I didn't think we were close to reaching some of the goals set my the rating agencies
i believe you are penalized 10 yards from the spot of the foul and you repeat the down.
that may not be correct. but, if it were a multiple choice test and were answer choice "B", 50% of the country would probably agree.
just sayin
zero chance we default. moderate chance of losing AAA. interest rates lowest in 40 years TODAY.
You act as if that's a natural reflection of what's going on with our economy. Maybe that wasn't your intention. It should be made clear to everyone that interest rates are low because the Fed has artificially pegged them there.
Just like "prices" indicate when to buy and sell, interest rates indicate when to borrow and when to save. When government sets prices it undermines the natural flow of the economy and we'll end up with surpluses or deficits and inevitably waste. When government sets interest rates it manipulates the economy into saving or borrowing too much and it causes bubbles or stagnancy.
wouldn't MM funds benefit from an increase in interest rates?
compared to the world's currencies for one. inflation is happening already with gas and food and I read that other products will start feeling inflation very soon.