What have we learned in 2000 years?



Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2007
Interesting quote:

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance."
Cicero - 55 BC

Especially rings true with today's circumstances.
Interesting quote:

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance."
Cicero - 55 BC

Especially rings true with today's circumstances.
rings true of all the great civilizations on their way down the backslide that all great ones eventually make.
The point was we haven't learned a thing in 2000 years.
I think we have learned that the life cycle of great civilizations is a reality. He was in the midst of the Roman backslide from the greatest civilization to defeat at the hands of the hordes from the North.
Cicero would have been a modern-day conservative demonized by the left for being "out of touch" with the working poor.
Cicero would have been a modern-day conservative demonized by the left for being "out of touch" with the working poor.

I actually found this pretty funny. lol....probably true though.
What have we learned since 1775??

"The conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity ended. The colonies would gladly have bourn the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money, which created unemployment and dissatisfaction, which caused the colonies hatred of England and the Revolutionary war”
Benjamin Franklin

In 1791 we elected to have a central bank.

A second war (1812) was initiated by England when the central bank charter wasn't renewed.

"If the American people ever allow private Banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the Banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on a continent their fathers’ conquered. I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. The issuing power should be taken away from the Banks and restored to the Government to whom it properly belongs."
Thomas Jefferson 1816

In 1816 we began the second central bank.

In 1832, President Andrew Jackson vetoed the charter of the Bank and abolished it, he ordered the Secretary of the Treasury to remove all Government deposits from the US Banks and deposit them in the State Banks. On January 8th 1835, Jackson paid off the final installment on the US National Debt for the first time in Americas' history. It accumulated a surplus of 35 million which was distributed amongst the States.

It took a quarter century but the reason for the war between the states was for the same reasons as the revolutionary war and war of 1812, it's just that subversive forces were able to bring about a great divide over various political and economic issues which became a war when some states were denied their constitutional right to secede from the union.

"The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but the government’s greatest creative opportunity."
Abraham Lincoln.

Certain bankers who wanted yet another central bank created financial panics in 1873, 1884, 1893, and 1907 which led to passage of the Emergency Currency Act which was made law on May 30th 1908 and led to the creation of the National Monetary Commission which - formed the legislative base for the Federal Reserve Act
of 1913.

(which would soon provide the credit for America to become involved in WWI.)

(the bill was sent to congress on Dec 23 after many representatives and senators Washington had left to go home for Christmas)

"That is the one thing in my public career that I regret my work to secure the enactment of the Federal Reserve Law. I never thought that the Federal Bank system would prove such a failure. The Country is in a state of irretrievable bankruptcy."
William Jennings Bryan

"The Growth of the nation and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the most ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world; no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the free vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."
Woodrow Wilson (three years after he, as president had gotten the act passed by downright deception.)

(There have been over 300 amendments to the original Federal Reserve Act, each to strengthen the position of the private entities who are the owners of the federal reserve system.)

"We have in this Country, one of the most corrupt institutions the world have ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are not Government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers. The Federal Reserve Banks are the Agents of the foreign central banks, in that dark crew of financial pirates, there are those that would cut a man's throat to get a dollar out of his pocket. Every effort has been made by the Federal Reserve Board to conceal its power, but the truth is the FED has usurped the Government. It controls everything here (in Congress) and controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will. When the FED was passed, the people of the United States did not perceive that a world system was being set up here. A super state controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure!"
Congressman Louis T McFadden 1932

On May 23rd 1933, Mc Fadden brought impeachment charges against the members of the Federal Reserve.

"Where as I charge them jointly and severally with having brought about a repudiation of the National Currency of the United States in order that the gold value of the said currency might be given to private interests. I charge them with having arbitrarily and unlawfully taken over $80,000,000,000 from the United States Government in the year 1928. I charge them with having arbitrarily and unlawfully raised and lowered rates on money increased and diminished the volume of currency in circulation for the benefit of private interest. I charge them with having brought about the decline of prices on the New York Stock Exchange. I charge them with having conspired to transfer to foreigners and International money lenders, title to and control of the financial resources of the United States. I charge them with having published false and misleading propaganda intended to deceive the American people and to cause the United States to lose its independence. I charge them with the crime of having treasonably conspired and acted against the peace and security of the United States and having treasonably conspired to destroy the constitutional government of the United States."

According to Article 1, section 8 of the U.S Constitution, only congress has the right to issue money and regulate its valve.

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