What if America became a Christian Theocracy?, Would you flee, would you fight, or wo

What would you do if the United States of America became the United Christian States

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The White Debonair
Nov 28, 2005
Imagine a Christian Reconstructionist rebellion that takes over the government. What is a Christian Reconstructionist? Well, this is what he is:


Scary, huh? Imagine a country dominated by ultra-ultra-ultra-conservative Christianity. A country where we are all taught that the universe is 6,000 years old. A country where the death penalty is issued for merely wanting sex.

Now the question.

What would you do if the United States of America became the United Christian States of the Lord? Would you take up arms? Would you flee? Or would you fall on your knees and worship.

Let the survey begin.
If every law passed is predicated upon the bible, and nobody is allowed to practice any faith other than christianity, I would advocate a violent revolt against the government and if this failed, move to another country!
I would probably flee, or take up arms if their seemed to be enough support in that direction.
I would probably flee, or take up arms if their seemed to be enough support in that direction.

Just think how many people would hold the same thought, the problem would be getting you all together into some sort of cohesive group.
I'm Baptist . . . We can't even agree on what color the carpet should be.
I am Southern Baptist and we argue over whether or not we should use wine, non-alcoholic wine, or grape juice.
I am Southern Baptist and we argue over whether or not we should use wine, non-alcoholic wine, or grape juice.

No, no. There is a committee for that. I think there is a world domination committee at my church that presented their proposal to take over the world but the vote didn't pass.
If every law passed is predicated upon the bible, and nobody is allowed to practice any faith other than christianity, I would advocate a violent revolt against the government and if this failed, move to another country!
We'll have to have a pot-luck supper in the Family Life Center before any decision can even be discussed.
Your church is not making an effort to be cool with the kids. I am sure the kids say - "I ain't hanging out at that place, it is wack."
Maybe the problem with country is that it is not faith based. I understand that you guys are taking it to another level but imagine these things; homosexuality is wrong again, children actually see their parents pray, families actually pray together. As far as the death penalty for wanting sex, come on. Have you really never read the new testament? Turn the other cheek? I understand that you can never govern morality, so the idea of a government based solely on Christian Values could never happen. But if only we could bring faith back to the government. I would love to see a revival of this nation where we realize that christians do not have long faces and short pockets. As a society we have become so afraid to tell people our views because they may make someone else "uncomfortable". If it is wrong to beat your wife tell your neighbor who does it. If it is wrong to drink and drive tell your pals who do it. If it is wrong to cheat on your wife tell the parties. I mean we are so afraid of confronting anyone about anything. These murders, rapes, and every other act of violent crime do not happen by accident. They start as a thought, then an imagination, then the action. Who is to say that with a great revival and stand against radical islam we could not change this country for the next 1000 years. I know some of you guys are saying that there are hypocrits in the church.... well you know what there are more in that world you live in.

Sorry I didn't mean to get that deep, I just believe in the power.
Maybe the problem with country is that it is not faith based. I understand that you guys are taking it to another level but imagine these things; homosexuality is wrong again, children actually see their parents pray, families actually pray together. As far as the death penalty for wanting sex, come on. Have you really never read the new testament? Turn the other cheek? I understand that you can never govern morality, so the idea of a government based solely on Christian Values could never happen. But if only we could bring faith back to the government. I would love to see a revival of this nation where we realize that christians do not have long faces and short pockets. As a society we have become so afraid to tell people our views because they may make someone else "uncomfortable". If it is wrong to beat your wife tell your neighbor who does it. If it is wrong to drink and drive tell your pals who do it. If it is wrong to cheat on your wife tell the parties. I mean we are so afraid of confronting anyone about anything. These murders, rapes, and every other act of violent crime do not happen by accident. They start as a thought, then an imagination, then the action. Who is to say that with a great revival and stand against radical islam we could not change this country for the next 1000 years. I know some of you guys are saying that there are hypocrits in the church.... well you know what there are more in that world you live in.

Sorry I didn't mean to get that deep, I just believe in the power.


I am all for a revival in this country but by no means do I want it through the government.

The local church has become lazy since the 50's because it has attempted to the use the government as a tool to spread the gospel.

That is down right scary!

If you want a revival, it starts at your local church not with the government.

I agree, as I said, "You can't govern morality". So, no not a faith based government but a nation of faith is kind of what I was getting at I just got caught in a ramble.
And in our untrustworthy government can you imagine the coruption in that system.
I agree, as I said, "You can't govern morality". So, no not a faith based government but a nation of faith is kind of what I was getting at I just got caught in a ramble.

You had me scared there....................

I am all for a nation of faith, but I do not want to limit the freedom of any one.

So my faith, your faith, any ones faith or not faith.

Freedom, freedom, freedom!

Hey, if you can ramble, so can I. :)
If every law passed is predicated upon the bible, and nobody is allowed to practice any faith other than christianity, I would advocate a violent revolt against the government and if this failed, move to another country!

we probably should do this anyway.
No that is the cool thing about Christian Faith it should not be forced anyone, but desired. :peace2:

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