What if?



Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2013
What if Volnation existed during the year the Vols won the 1998 National title?


I thought it would be fun to maybe take a look at some of the threads and posts that could have been made along the way.

I'll get it started off here with some possible Pre season threads and add to it as I go.

All poster names mentioned are all in good fun. I have no problem with anyone here even if I occasionally argue with you. Sgt and KB are two gents I have in mind. Disclaimer: If you're an idiot I may not like you. :)

This may get long so the TLDR is:

I'm just having some joke time and if you don't like reading, don't read it.

PS: If anyone would like to genuinely contribute I will edit the OP and maybe add in your suggestions. Hope this is ok with the MODS- this is my first thread and figured I would try to do something fun and different.

If I misspell your account name or you rather not be included just say something quick in a post and I wll fix/remove you.


Pre Season:

The two main threads with the most traction are:

Doomed: Why we can't win without Peyton.(started by OregonVol)
Tee Time! (started by Nationdom)

The doomed thread is 34 pages long and consists of the sunshine pumpers calling the OP a negavol.

Meanwhile Tee Time! has 28 pages of the negavols calling the OP a sunshine pumper.

Closer to game time the official UT vs Syracuse game thread starts and it's 47 pages long before the kick off actually takes place. Fun times for all.

Week one(after the Syracuse game)

It's over! - a great thread that hits home all the points of the earlier Doomed thread. Pointing to stats like - Tee Martin passing for 9/26 for 143 yards. Jeff Hall should be the team MVP, without him we would have lost to a bad team like Syracuse. Mcnabb lit up our D!
(Op that started this was shortly banned after for discrediting Freak's ability to make GIFs.)

I believe! - this thread was started by Eddie Vol Halen. He was drunk. :dance2:
Some positive stuff in here though. Nice posts from SGT18 about how Jamal Lewis really carried the ball well and thank god we Have Peerless Price or we'd be in some trouble.

KBvol starts a thread about how we will get blasted by Florida. Spartacus argues against it and KB points to the fact that if we can't beat them with Peyton we can't beat them with a QB that goes 9-26 with less than 150 passing yards. This thread really takes off. 51 pages.
(There were less forums back then so people really tended to focus on the main threads.)

Week 2 - Florida week

A nice thread comes up about checker boarding Neyland but considering we have not beat Florida in FIVE years a lot of fans are not keen on the idea and don't think enough people will get behind it.

daj2576 post an intricate study of talent evaluation and recruiting statistics from the 94-97 seasons pointing to the fact that the game will be close. This thread is primarily ignored as a thread titled "we gonna whoop dey azz" posted by IluvdoubleD's get 147 likes - still a volnation record as far as I know.

A "women of Florida" thread pops up started by GoBigOrangeUt.


Freak says "you're doing it wrong"

I think these threads will gain more traction as the years progress.

KBvol makes an eloquent post about our losing streak to the Gators. orangetaz calls then Gators. He gets 45 likes. MustafaRasta appreciates KB's point of view but calls him an idiot anyway. This mostly occurs because Mustafa wishes he lived in Deadwood in the 1890's.

I believe! yes another post started by Eddie Vol Halen. He's admittedly drunk. I'm sure this is a coincidence. :hi: A quote from Bleacher Report is posted: After the 34 to 33 victory in the Syracuse game, I am somewhat less than hopeful about the Vols chances of winning against “Lord Spurrier and his Reptile Renegades.” Countvolcula says "LOL - Bleacher Report.

Post game Florida thread:

The board is evenly split after this game. I know, breaking news right?

On one hand the Vols rack up just 235 yards of total offense but Florida's costly turnovers were the difference in the game.

AL WILSEN IS A BEAST - a thread titled in all caps and started by beattiefeathers. He spells Wilson wrong but he's got a point, Wilson is a beast.
It's pointed out that big Al caused 2 of Florida's 4 fumbles on the day.

KBvol is happy for the win, but not convinced the Vols have turned the corner.

The other thread that stands out (besides the obligatory back and forth threads of we are awesome vs we suck)
is " Shawn Bryson " which lauds the fullback for his big 57 yard run. This spurs on 2 new threads: "Why don't we run the FB more?" - started by Volador and "stop starting threads using only player names" by Faderoute. All he can see is is thread title on his Nokia 5190 and it makes him think the player is injured when he reads the board from work.

Catbone turned the game off once it went to OT because he knew it was over and Butchna made fun of about 22 people with a post of less than 13 words. The guy has talent - Mustafarasta likes his post.

1972grad chimes in with how the Vols also held the Gators to −13 net rushing on 30 attempts. I love a good stat man.

Week 3 - Houston:

coming soon...

Post game Houston threads:

Week 4 - Auburn

Post game Auburn threads:

Week 5 - Georgia

Post game Georgia:
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It would be the same as now....Win arguments and audit every post, then the occasional cool discussion about Vol football.
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Good idea for a thread...Even in victory there is always something to complain about. The thread after the Auburn game would have been priceless: Tee was terrible and Jamal went down, play calling too conservative, no way we beat Georgia.
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Good idea for a thread...Even in victory there is always something to complain about. The thread after the Auburn game would have been priceless: Tee was terrible and Jamal went down, play calling too conservative, no way we beat Georgia.

I'll keep this in mind as I come to that game.

I welcome suggestions, I think the thread can be better with suggestions from all you idiots..... I mean Volnation posters =)
Game thread for the Arkansas game would have to be unreal. 150 pages before the Stoerner fumble. 10 pages instantly created as soon as everyone heard John Ward declare that it was Tennessee Football... assuming the server didn't crash under the flash load. Tennessee wins, and the Negavols come out declaring how lucky we got. Sunshine pumpers declare it's just proof of our excellent preparation and manifest destiny. Freak apologizes about the site having performance issues and promises an upgrade would be complete before the SEC Championship.
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Game thread for the Arkansas game would have to be unreal. 150 pages before the Stoerner fumble. 10 pages instantly created as soon as everyone heard John Ward declare that it was Tennessee Football... assuming the server didn't crash under the flash load. Tennessee wins, and the Negavols come out declaring how lucky we got. Sunshine pumpers declare it's just proof of our excellent preparation and manifest destiny. Freak apologizes about the site having performance issues and promises an upgrade would be complete before the SEC Championship.

ha nice addition.
Game thread for the Arkansas game would have to be unreal. 150 pages before the Stoerner fumble. 10 pages instantly created as soon as everyone heard John Ward declare that it was Tennessee Football... assuming the server didn't crash under the flash load. Tennessee wins, and the Negavols come out declaring how lucky we got. Sunshine pumpers declare it's just proof of our excellent preparation and manifest destiny. Freak apologizes about the site having performance issues and promises an upgrade would be complete before the SEC Championship.

"It will be a miracle if we win another game with Steve "Toast" Johnson at CB. Tim Couch will light us up." - VolunteerHillbilly
How in the world do you all remember all this stuff? I love the idea, but I vaguely remember a remarkable, pivotal catch down the sideline in the bowl game that helped secure the victory. Other than that none of this is familiar. :search:
Yay I'm included!

I was a student in 1998 and attended every home game until I graduated in 2002.

I can assure you that I had no time for this analysis back then as I was evuating coeds and beer. I was as intimately acquainted with those subjects, however.
How in the world do you all remember all this stuff? I love the idea, but I vaguely remember a remarkable, pivotal catch down the sideline in the bowl game that helped secure the victory. Other than that none of this is familiar. :search:

Admittedly, I am doing some research along the way which is why I ask people not judge too much until it's completion if people desire to see it completed. I'm doing this for some giggles mostly and I'm hoping a few people will join me for the ride.

For sure it takes little time to search the past history as well as try to include multiple posters names and be inclusive. I'm also trying to make sure nothing comes off as offensive and people get the joke. So yea, it'll take some time.

It would help if you suggest something for inclusion if you made a bold header in your post with the game or the week you are talking about so it gets easier for me to search though the reply threads.
"I really wish Coach Fulmer would move away from the I formation and Pro Style offense and spread the ball around more."
As familiar as the posters on VN are with the rule book, I would bet the snap over the punter's head that was kicked through the end zone would have had it's own thread and gone at least 50 pages....Tennessee got screwed. We should have had the option of taking the ball half the distance from where it was kicked (inside the 5)...We would not have needed the Stoerner stumble.
Yay I'm included!

I was a student in 1998 and attended every home game until I graduated in 2002.

I can assure you that I had no time for this analysis back then as I was evuating coeds and beer. I was as intimately acquainted with those subjects, however.

Sorry your existence is restricted to the time line formed in my head.
Yay I'm included!

I was a student in 1998 and attended every home game until I graduated in 2002.

I can assure you that I had no time for this analysis back then as I was evuating coeds and beer. I was as intimately acquainted with those subjects, however.
Who wouldn't like to "evuate" a coed about now?
If Volnation had existed during this time...Volnation would have broke during the national title game
Don't forget the doom and gloom threads which would have definitely cropped up at the end of the regular season. That is when David Cutcliffe went to Ole Miss leaving Randy Sanders as the OC for the championship game.

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