What is UP with James Banks??

They are not saying why, but he is not going to practice with the team anymore this spring. Fulmer said he had some things to take care of and if he did, then he would be back if not, he wouldn't. :dunno:
Not surprising. He has not been happy about his move to wr, and likes to take plays off quite a bit. He basically needs an attitude adjustment, and if that does not happen, he won't be coming back.
It would be sad to see him not be back. But you don't want somebody on the team with a bad attitude. :dunno:
I don't know the whole story, but you have to feel for the guy when the coaches promised him he'd be moved back to QB if he'd help out the team and take WR for ONE year...I know everyone remembers that promise, right? As soon as he showed everyone that he was a terrific WR, I knew there was going to be a slim chance he'd ever be the starting QB.
Well Well Well..
Look at this...I leave you guys for a month or so and see what happens! Anyone got more dope on this as I haven't been able to find much on it?

My feeling is that he has shown to be our go to guy on the WR'ing corp and until someone else steps up to take that away, that's where his place will be. I would love to see him QB but think the program has a little heartburn putting someone in the position that will be gone in a year or so. Any other thoughts on this?

It's good to be back!

VOLifornia, glad to see you back!!

I think there are several problems with Banks at QB. First, I don't think that he makes good decisions with the ball. He seems to have that big play mentality at times. This would be fine at WR but at QB you have to value the ball and each possession. Second, if you move him to QB it also hurts you at WR. Third, I heard that Banks didn't do the work necesary in the offseason to be a serious contender at QB. He should have been studying the position, watching film, practicing his throws and meeting with WR's. I heard he didn't do any of that.

CJ Leak will start the first few games at QB and the two freshman will be given looks later in the season once they have a chance to grasp the offense.


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