What is your most memorable off-season day?



Back in Blackhouse
Oct 10, 2012
I was 16 in 96,so Peyton announcing his return will always be numero uno. I want to hear y'alls favorite days in UT football during the depressing off-season. How many days is it now till Football Time in Tennessee? I can't freakin wait! I'm pumped. Peyton winning the Super Bowl is #2 on my list. I'll hang up and listen. Go Vols!
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Football camp when I was in the same group with al Wilson and Lovie was our DB coach. Same weekend OJ was on the run from Johnny Law.
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In recent memory, it was the day the #1 recruit in the nation, Bryce Brown, surprised everyone and announced he was coming to Tennessee. We were the focus of all the national sports media that day. Our first year head coach had pulled the top recruit in the nation in just a few months on the job. It was a beautiful day. For the first time in a long time, I had real hope that we were on our way to becoming a truly dominant program.

What a cruel sick joke that turned out to be.
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I was working out of town on the day Peyton made the announcement that he was staying. I had just gotten back from lunch And had a note on my desk that simply said "Peyton's staying!" A few minutes later the girl who had left me the note asked me if I got it. I told her yes & asked who had left The message. She looked at me & said "Peyton." Of course I knew he hadnt called me personally but didn't say anything. My dad was the one who had called. I was in Delaware so she had no idea who Peyton was. She probably does now, and I have often wondered if she remembered that message and thinks she talked to Peyton Manning that day!
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Its a toss-up between the armed robbery at the Pilot station and the brawl at Bar Knox.
Edit: I think the Pilot Robbery was during the season.
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Sitting in my math class my freshman year in January and getting the attendance sheet and realizing that the one and only Eric Berry was sitting next to me.
The day I shot an 8 point buck and found a working deep freezer at the dump. I think my 5th child was conceived that night as well.
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I remember Manning's announcement as well. I was headed to PHX for a golf trip and when we landed we saw it in SportsCenter.
Sick to think about now, but the announcement of the hiring of the Kiffins, et al was a pretty big day.

Agree with Peyton returning
Was glued to the TV for B Brown's commitment
I agree that the Lane Train had me excited till its derailment. I was scared that was going to happen when I read up on him and saw he was a USC punk and Carrol was going to leave sooner rather than later. Lane got some of it. Just not all like Butch. He did understand marketing and recruiting like Butch. Had he stayed,I believe we'd be in the SECCG every year or so. Luckily we now have someone better than Kiffin who gets it. I just hope he can coach it. Go Vols!

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