What makes us strong.



Sir Loves
Sep 23, 2012
Toughness. I lived in Portland through out the nineties. I lived on the corner of 17th and Burnside. I lived there through the Joey Harrington years. I told them Joey Harrington wouldn't make it in Detroit. He'd never seen a ghetto before. What makes us strong? Toughness. The courage you have had to summon to make it this far. The struggle to get where you are at. The experience that has dissolved your fear. Ducks scare easily. I've seen it. Look them in eye and show them you are with out fear. Watch the nervousness they give away. See it deep in their bones. The ducks know fear. They know what it feels like. Bring it forth and teach them what it means to have no fear. I've seen it first hand... I know what I am saying.
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My younger brother lives in Alabama. Years ago he said something that I remember to this day. "There are two kinds of strong. outer strength and inner strength. Inner strength is like grabbing hold of a grizzly bear."
My younger brother lives in Alabama. Years ago he said something that I remember to this day. "There are two kinds of strong. outer strength and inner strength. Inner strength is like grabbing hold of a grizzly bear."

Or in Tennessee's case, half bear the other half cat.
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