Whats His Game?



Senior Member
Oct 25, 2004
Trooper Taylor has won the hearts of many a vol fan, but has he earned it? Has he and does he bring more to the table than enthusiasm and a youthful rapper look to make us look sexy to new recruits? Is he a brilliant x's and o's type coach with inate leadership skills, able motivate and influence, players and coaches alike, or is all the hoopla about Trooper just the eager vol nation fantizising out loud, and making Trooper something he really isn't? What do you think?
I know one thing, if it wasn't for Trooper we would not have a top 3 recruiting class. Also, I don't think that he would have received a raise and a new job title for no apparent reason.
If Coach Fulmer thinks he's good enough for a big title and a big raise, then the man has earned it. No brainer! . B)
he really punched up our running game this yr so I say he's all that and a bag of chips!
I can't argue with any of those comments, he seems to be da man! But I've seen some posts from some in the vol nation that are ready to make him an OC or even a head coach. Some even think he could lead the vol nation some day. I see a successful specialist being rewarded by Fulmer. But I haven't seen the evidence that would cause me to believe that his skills and experience are broad enough to handle the position of OC or HC. I guess only time will tell. But if the only thing we think about when we think of Trooper Taylor is chest bumps in the sky, encouraging an already arriving, maturing, and gifted running back, and helping to convince two recruits into attending the best program in the country, there is in my mind (as small as it is), that at this point in time, there is more evidence of hype than of substance. He's good! But I'm not ready to call him THE GENERAL!
I'm not downing TT. But, I'm not sold on him fully yet. Sanders has a big title and paycheck, has a solid record probably envied by most, but gets shredded for the most part on this board. The biggest benefit I've seen so far with TT is his drive and entusiasm. We needed a spark out of the doldrum sideline demeanor. I don't doubt his abilities or he wouldn't be here, but I'm not hyped on him as the next coming yet.
I think his enthusiasm was contagious and was a big shot in the arm for this yrs team, but I'm not ready to hand over the OC or HC job to him just yet, but he is a valuable addition to the staff
I think we're big on troop because of several reasons......we had our best r unning season under sanders since he got the job until this year it was in steady decline EVERY YEAR under sanders....troop comes in and we ran better therefore we praise him...#2 he's a wonderful recruiter so far.....got alot of top tier kids to commit to a school a pretty good ways away.#3 most of us dont like randy and we have to have someone to love ont he offensive side of the ball lol......I agree with most of you guys....Troop has started out with a bang but he's in his mid 30's i believe? He still has a long way to go but as of now he has my full respect.
Respect and admiration for his contribution thus far, I give that. Wanting him as our OC and RS out. No way. If he proves to develop that direction and shows committment to the program, then in a few years if RS is on even keel and not stepping it up...

I' m assuming Rs coached the RB's based TNFan..remarks. I can't remember if he had htem or someone else. If running game is better than under RS the last few years, then maybe RS just had too much. Maybe his performance was also better this year as a result of someone of quality handling the RB's and letting him concentrate on OC duties alone.
Whether Trooper is OC material or not who knows but if Sanders can get a job as an OC anyone can.
What specifically makes TT a 'brilliant" x's and o's coach? Has he ever called a play, schemed a game, made in-game coaching adjustments? Recruiter ?Outstanding. Rapper, probably. Hat backwards, yes. Chest bump, tremendous. Coach, remains to be seen. Conforming to NCAA?, we'll see. :question:
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Feb 16, 2005 10:21 PM
What specifically makes TT a 'brilliant" x's and o's coach? Has he ever called a play, schemed a game, made in-game coaching adjustments? Recruiter ?Outstanding. Rapper, probably. Hat backwards, yes. Chest bump, tremendous. Coach, remains to be seen. Conforming to NCAA?, we'll see. :question:

I don't know about the rest of them but you have to give him some credit on the recruiting this year.
To me, TT recruiting is a bonus. After seeing Cedrick run in the first game in 2004, I could tell something was different. He was breaking tackles and hitting the holes with a lot more force. I knew then that the new RB coach was a good one.
He may not have everything down yet, but it seems that everything that we know he has touched has become golden. He is the UT Midas Man for now.
So, If TT becomes Assistant Head Coach in charge of Player Developement, does that mean that he can give direction to other coaches on matters or is he confined to the area of "player development"? What is "player development" anyway?
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Feb 17, 2005 1:41 PM
What is "player development" anyway?

The development of the player, of course! :thumbsup:
Oh yeah, and another question, Doesn't an assistant head coach out rank an OC? So with 9 seconds on the play clock ainge comes up under center..ut oh, he backs out and looks to Sanders who looks to Trooper Taylor for the play...to be continued.
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Feb 17, 2005 3:29 PM
Oh yeah, and another question, Doesn't an assistant head coach out rank an OC? So with 9 seconds on the play clock ainge comes up under center..ut oh, he backs out and looks to Sanders who looks to Trooper Taylor for the play...to be continued.

And TT says...You eye ballin' me boy!!!! Watch the game!! And Fulmer says we play as a team, coach as a team, it wasn't any one person's fault.
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Feb 17, 2005 3:29 PM
So with 9 seconds on the play clock ainge comes up under center..ut oh, he backs out and looks to Sanders who looks to Trooper Taylor for the play...to be continued.

Hopefully Ainge won't be doing much of the look over to the sideline routine next season.

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