Whats with our style?



Sep 18, 2004
Seriously, I can't tell the Vol style. We looked like an explosive offense against Florida, we had a well-balanced game against Georgia, and now we have a bitchin' defensive game against Alabama. Is Tennessee gonna settle down and find a single style?
as Al Davis would say.............

JUST WIN BABY !!!!!!!!!!!!

i don't care if the style changes every game . JUST WIN !!!!!
Contrary to what I thought before the game, 'bama has a good defense. Better than Florida, as evidenced by today's results at Starkville.

Anyway, VOLS find a way to win again.

GO VOLS! Bama goes down AGAIN!!!
I'm with YOU, orange_man. I want to enjoy the WIN before I have to start reading all the negative stuff.

WE BEAT BAMA!!! Take THAT, Paul Finebaum!!!

:fworks: :fworks:
Our style should be ..."just enought to win". Or is that a motto? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by milohimself@Oct 23, 2004 5:56 PM
Seriously, I can't tell the Vol style. We looked like an explosive offense against Florida, we had a well-balanced game against Georgia, and now we have a bitchin' defensive game against Alabama. Is Tennessee gonna settle down and find a single style?

The Bama game typically turns into a defensive struggle. If this season goes like past seasons, the next two games will probably be about the same, then the offense will return with a vengance in the last two games.
Then I can't wait, especially if our defense continues to improve, and the offense picks up in time for the SECCG, given we make it there.
Our old style is what you saw yesturday. But as we have shown, when Sanders gets to cut loose, we make things happen.
That was a scary game!

The coach's called a safe game, which put pressure on the defense and they stepped up. Hats off to our D, they have won several games for us!

Next week is no cakewalk so they better get the offense clicking again.


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