What's wrong with this article?

Sen. McCain, "an unflinching supporter of the Iraq war", had to get that in their I suppose, I thought the economy was the number one issue now?
And what happens if Steve Forbes is right, and the next 2 quarters show growth, will it go back to Iraq? Or taxes?
that was one thing, but it wasn't the first thing that caught my eye.
I haven't followed the Dems closely enough, but how can Hillary win Rhode Island, yet Obama win his 12th straight by claiming Vermont?
Vermont leans heavily Socialist (hence Bernie Sanders) and since Obama is clearly further left than Hillary, it was natural that he take Vermont.
Vermont leans heavily Socialist (hence Bernie Sanders) and since Obama is clearly further left than Hillary, it was natural that he take Vermont.

no, i'm not surprised he took vermont, i'm surprised by the wording. he won his 12th straight yet lost rhode island. Are they just going by the fact that vermont was decided quicker than rhode island? Or closed earlier?
And why use the Hillary Rodham Clinton, I thought using all 3 names were passe...:p
I found it interesting they used Hillary's middle name but not Barack's and also, they just had to put Mr. McCain's age out there, but I guess they forgot the Dems age. How sweet of them...
that's it. The AP writer went out of his way to mention McCain's support for the war and took time to point out McCain's age.

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