when was the last time the fans

98 florida game is the only time i can recall in recent history......before that, what was it the 80 Auburn game when they were no. 1?
i'm pretty sure it hasn't been done since '98. the other ones that stick out in my mind are:

'89 auburn
'85 auburn
'82 alabama
Wasn't there a strict ban on rushinig the field that was enforced after the 98' UF game cause of the goal posts getting damaged and also hurting some people when they fell?
Wasn't there a strict ban on rushinig the field that was enforced after the 98' UF game cause of the goal posts getting damaged and also hurting some people when they fell?
yes, the SEC has implemented some policies forbidding it.
i've never heard neyland as loud as it was at the '98 fl game. I started going when I was 5 and never missed a home game until '01 when i started playin college ball. and in those 13 yrs that one game sticks out more than any other.
If I remember the 98 florida game right, one of the goalposts ended up in the river and the other made it to the strip where it was torn apart (And probably is sitting on a few peoples trophy cases)? Turf was torn up around midfield so one could plant the grass in their yard. One CBS camara was recovered going out the gates and one was later turned in by a Frat.

I was also there for my first away game when Manning beat Bama in Birmingham. I personally stormed the field but I was pretty much alone except for the 400 cops chasing me around!
I remember the 98 Florida game...... we were in the Forge for a car show " all of you from east TN know what Iam talking about", and we were stuck in traffic between gatlinburg and Forge and it was crazy everybody screaming and yelling, I remember distinctly a guy blitzed out of his mind who over and over was yelling GATOR MEAT over and over.....it was hillarious.:rock:
If I remember the 98 florida game right, one of the goalposts ended up in the river and the other made it to the strip where it was torn apart (And probably is sitting on a few peoples trophy cases)? Turf was torn up around midfield so one could plant the grass in their yard. One CBS camara was recovered going out the gates and one was later turned in by a Frat.

I was also there for my first away game when Manning beat Bama in Birmingham. I personally stormed the field but I was pretty much alone except for the 400 cops chasing me around!

I was at that game and the number of field stormers was closer to a couple hundred. The cops beat back as many as they could and maced/handcuff a couple dozen. The rest retreated back into the stands. Very sad situation that I still carry a grudge against Bammer.
Me and my friend ran out to the fifty yard line and waited for what looked like alot of fans about to rush the field..... Thats when I noticed an old man cop getting ready to mace me! I ran and he hit my friend right in the face. I got back over the fence, only because about 20 UT fans pulled me and a lady cop over. She ended up with my shoe and I got her hat!! My friend somehow got back and we left B-ham that very hour. On the way to Atlanta he got so sick from the mace he threw up funyuns all over the side of my car!
Me and my friend ran out to the fifty yard line and waited for what looked like alot of fans about to rush the field..... Thats when I noticed an old man cop getting ready to mace me! I ran and he hit my friend right in the face. I got back over the fence, only because about 20 UT fans pulled me and a lady cop over. She ended up with my shoe and I got her hat!! My friend somehow got back and we left B-ham that very hour. On the way to Atlanta he got so sick from the mace he threw up funyuns all over the side of my car!

Now that is a great story.......:):clapping::salute::popcorn:
I remember the '98 Florida game like it was yesterday. After the game one of the goalposts was being carried up the strip by about 200 people, in the middle of the road. That was total pandemonium. That '98 Florida game was the best memory of being at the stadium in my lifetime, and i've been going to games for 20 years.
I remember the 95 Bama game well. You could feel everyone was getting ready to rush and when some did they were manhandled. I remember this one fat guy that about 6 cops subdued him with mace, half nelsons, etc.
Good memories, but it makes me chuckle thinking about how Kentucky fans started trying to tear down the goal posts when they thought they had beaten LSU a few years back, only to get beat on a miracle catch.

Ahh... poor ol' Kentucky. :)
a good friend of mine was a UK grad, and he said their mantra was "WIN OR LOSE, WE STILL BOOZE!"
Went to games for years when I was young growing up in Lenoir City, but since i'm stuck in the Orlando area I don't get back to the games to often...I do remember being in Townsend camping during the 98 Gator game with my parents and we had only one camper from Florida, so you can only imagine how fast he disapperared...The whole camp ground went crazy after the game... It was great hearing the news the next day about how they were looking for the goal post...The alumni meet here in Orlando and it's great to be in a room fillled with Vol fans when we win...GO VOLS!!!!!:yahoo::yahoo:
this is off topic in a way but the worst ive ever seen fans try and rush the field was the 2000 georgia-ut game in athens when georgia broke our 9 game winning streak over them. i remember watching on tv with georgia up 21-10 with a little over a minute left with the ball in ut's possesion and hundreds of people had already left the stands and were surrounding the back of the endzones. while this was going on, people were also trying to tear down the goalposts with over a minute to go in the game. it was almost scary to watch. it also seems that the game was hard to finish because of this and it ended up taking longer than usual for the time to expire because of all the distractions and people interfering. anyone else remember this? or am i imagining things?

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