I need to see what else comes out before I'd unequivocally argue that Pearl needs to be fired. If this is it, I'm all right with merely punishing him, as long as everybody understands that he's out at the next offense. And there better not be anymore of this BS flirting-with-Memphis-to-get-a-raise stuff anytime soon. If more comes out, then I might change my tune to argue that he needs to be out now.
This was the last straw for me for Mike Hamilton. I'm sick of his athletic department embarrassing my school. He clearly doesn't have control of anything other than fundraising and construction. I want him out ASAP.
There seems to be a clear cleavage between people like myself who are concerned mostly about the university and people for whom this is just a sports team to root for. A lot of people on this board are as blase about this as I would be if it came out that the Falcons had been cheating on the salary cap for the past few seasons. I guess if sports is all it is, then that's how you feel. But I want the cesspool in Knoxville cleaned up even if it means we don't win anything else in any sport for 20 years.