I think global warming is making my scotch taste funny. I need to do a study.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Reminds me of the Proxmire Golden Fleece awards
which was won one year by some academians for a
grant of $880,000 to study whether goldfish were
more agressive on gin or tequila, how much of that
booze do you think they poured in the fish tank??
Excuse me for using the words or terms GW and CO2 in response to your post about......GW. I'll try to avoid staying on topic in the future as to avoid blowing your mind through rational discussion.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Seems like a rationalization of your propoaganda rather
than rational discussion since you mentioned global warming numerous times, climate change several and
then point to CO2 reduction as being the goal of the
research when we know that CO2 makes no appreciable
contribution to any projected global warming and in fact
we are undergoing a global cooling phase which makes
all these billions of dollars just throwing good money after
You should do a little self-reflection on this, gsvol.
You find it hard to think outside the box don't you?
Carbon Dioxide irrelevant in climate debate says MIT Scientist
The ERBE results, which are factual data from real measurements made by satellite, show the exact opposite result from the UN/IPCC Projections (computer models which are not real data). As seas warm on earth, the earth releases more heat into space and the satellite results prove it.
The global surface temperature record, which we
update and publish every month, has shown no
statistically-significant global warmingfor
almost 15 years.
Statistically-significant global cooling has now
persisted for very nearly eight years. Even a
strong el Nino expected in the coming months
will be unlikely to reverse the cooling trend.
More significantly, the ARGO bathythermographs
deployed throughout the worlds oceans since
2003 show that the top 400 fathoms of the oceans,
where it is agreed between all parties that at
least 80% of all heat caused by manmade global
warming must accumulate, have been cooling over
the past six years.
That now prolonged ocean cooling is fatal to the official theory that global warming will
happen on anything other than a minute scale.
- SPPI Monthly CO2 Report: July 2009
Bottom line, you can take your chicken little
ideas back inside the henhouse and work on
laying your next egg.