Where will the Vols finish...

Where will the Vols be in the final rankings?

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Eternally Optimistic
Aug 10, 2004
Win or lose against Texas A&M, where do you think the Vols will finish in the Final Polls?
Win, and we don't move up much. Just like the rest of the season. I think no higher than 14.

Lose, and we drop several places. Lucky to be in the top 25.

Go Vols!
14-16 with a win against A&M, pitiful. I know we're young. We have more excuses than the Cubs. Just get it done.
13-16 with a win vs A&M., pitiful. I know we're rebuilding. We have more excuses this year than the Cubs do in baseball. :shakehead:
14-16 with a win over the Aggies. Lose and we'll finish 22-25. That's bad with a 9-4 season (if they lose to the Aggies) -Just like Rodney Dangerfield-"NO RESPECT." :shakehead:
Definitely need a win in the Cotton Bowl. :thumbsup: We need a 10-3 season, but will still not get any respect. The loss against the Irish killed the Vols, plus the close games against Vandy and Kentucky. Gotta learn to put the lesser quality teams by the 3rd quarter. :thumbsup:
Here is a list of the ranked teams and who they play next. The Vols 'can' move up 5 spots in the AP with losses by Miami (to Florida), Michigan (to Texas), LSU/Iowa (1 will lose), Louisville/Boise St (1 will lose and drop like a rock), and Virginia Tech (to Auburn). The only teams sitting behind the Vols that are in a position to 'jump' them would be Wisconsin (but then Georgia would fall to 9-3) and Pittsburgh beating Utah (which still may not be enough for the Panthers to jump). I think at best the Vols will finish #10 in the AP... realistically, I see #12 (Miami wins and Louisville/BoiseSt loser doesn't drop far). They could also move up to #10 in the Coaches' (UE) if Wisconsin and Florida State lose... but then again, realistically I see #13 for the same reasons above and Fla State probably won't lose.

nr/23 West Va(8-3)...... 17/15 Fla St(8-3)
25/nr Boston C.(8-3).... nr/nr N.Carolina(6-5)
24/22 Ohio State(7-4)... nr/nr Okla St(7-4)
23/21 Texas Tech(7-4)... 4/ 4 California(10-1)
22/25 Texas A&M(7-4).... 15/17 Tennessee(9-3)
21/24 Arizona St(8-3)... nr/nr Purdue(7-4)
20/19 Florida(7-4)...... 14/14 Miami(8-3)
19/20 Pittsburgh(8-3)... 5/ 6 Utah(11-0)
18/18 Virginia(8-3)..... nr/nr Fresno St(8-3)
17/15 Fla St(8-3)....... nr/23 West Va(8-3)
16/16 Wisconsin(9-2).... 8/ 7 Georgia(9-2)
15/17 Tennessee(9-3).... 22/25 Texas A&M(7-4)
14/14 Miami(8-3)........ 20/19 Florida(7-4)
13/12 Michigan(9-2)..... 6/ 5 Texas(10-1)
12/11 LSU(9-2).......... 11/13 Iowa(9-2)
11/13 Iowa(9-2)......... 12/11 LSU(9-2)
10/10 Boise St(11-0).... 7/ 8 Louisville(10-1)
9/ 9 Va Tech(10-2)..... 3/ 3 Auburn(12-0)
8/ 7 Georgia(9-2)...... 16/16 Wisconsin(9-2)
7/ 8 Louisville(10-1).. 10/10 Boise St(11-0)
6/ 5 Texas(10-1)....... 13/12 Michigan(9-2)
5/ 6 Utah(11-0)........ 19/20 Pittsburgh(8-3)
4/ 4 California(10-1).. 23/21 Texas Tech(7-4)
3/ 3 Auburn(12-0)...... 9/ 9 Va Tech(10-2)
2/ 2 Oklahoma(12-0).... 1/ 1 Southern Cal(12-0)
1/ 1 Southern Cal(12-0) 2/ 2 Oklahoma(12-0)
I think that if we win, we barely move. If we lose, we will be out of the top 25 for sure.
If you guys win I say 12-15, if we win 16-19. It all depends on how bad you lose, who loses ahead and after you. To many variables to say where you will end up if you lose. It's quite possible that if you lose to us and we win we wouldn't even be ahead of you. That could happen b/c polls are so ridiculous. Take us for example, Texas Tech is ahead of us in one poll and we beat them. It's all about when you win and not if you win in a way.

Pretty much. We lost to Auburn before they had any of the MNC buzz, so it looked that much worse. For some reason, our ranking did not drop even when our only loss was against a team that started kicking ass. The Vols got left behind in the polls.
The Vols have been ranked 15th in the AP poll for 5 straight weeks. That includes an open date and the SECCG loss. Prior to the SECCG loss, no less than 5 teams ranked directly ahead of the Vols lost... Wisconsin even lost twice. And with those losses... no less than 4 teams jumped over the Vols. 15-15-15-15-15
Yeah, I am so tired of 15. Thank goodness for the coaches poll who has us at 17! :shakehead:
Already, at least 5 teams ahead of Tennessee (rated higher in at least one poll) have lost their bowl game. Another will lose tonight (hopefully Virginia Tech). The Vols will definately move higher than Wisconsin (9-3), Michigan (9-3), LSU (9-3), and maybe Boise State (11-1). If Auburn defeats Virginia Tech (possible 10-3 ?), the Vols will move higher than them as well. They will not likely jump over Cal (10-2)? The only winning teams that the Vols might jump would be Miami (9-3) and Florida State (9-3).

It still appears that the highest the Vols could possibly reach in the polls is # 10. The most likely spot is # 11.

nr/23 West Va(8-3)...... 17/15 Fla St(8-3) result: LOST
25/nr Boston C.(8-3).... nr/nr N.Carolina(6-5)
24/22 Ohio State(7-4)... nr/nr Okla St(7-4)
23/21 Texas Tech(7-4)... 4/ 4 California(10-1)
22/25 Texas A&M(7-4).... 15/17 Tennessee(9-3) result: LOST
21/24 Arizona St(8-3)... nr/nr Purdue(7-4)
20/19 Florida(7-4)...... 14/14 Miami(8-3) result: LOST
19/20 Pittsburgh(8-3)... 5/ 6 Utah(11-0) result: LOST
18/18 Virginia(8-3)..... nr/nr Fresno St(8-3) result: LOST
17/15 Fla St(8-3)....... nr/23 West Va(8-3)
16/16 Wisconsin(9-2).... 8/ 7 Georgia(9-2) result: LOST
15/17 Tennessee(9-3).... 22/25 Texas A&M(7-4)
14/14 Miami(8-3)........ 20/19 Florida(7-4)
13/12 Michigan(9-2)..... 6/ 5 Texas(10-1) result: LOST
12/11 LSU(9-2).......... 11/13 Iowa(9-2) result: LOST
11/13 Iowa(9-2)......... 12/11 LSU(9-2)
10/10 Boise St(11-0).... 7/ 8 Louisville(10-1) result: LOST
9/ 9 Va Tech(10-2)..... 3/ 3 Auburn(12-0)
8/ 7 Georgia(9-2)...... 16/16 Wisconsin(9-2)
7/ 8 Louisville(10-1).. 10/10 Boise St(11-0)
6/ 5 Texas(10-1)....... 13/12 Michigan(9-2)
5/ 6 Utah(11-0)........ 19/20 Pittsburgh(8-3)
4/ 4 California(10-1).. 23/21 Texas Tech(7-4) result: LOST
3/ 3 Auburn(12-0)...... 9/ 9 Va Tech(10-2)
2/ 2 Oklahoma(12-0).... 1/ 1 Southern Cal(12-0)
1/ 1 Southern Cal(12-0) 2/ 2 Oklahoma(12-0)
I've come to the same conclusion as you Allvol. I think 10 or 11 is what it should be. OK and Aub winning solidly will help us. If USC tanks, that makes both VT and Cal look suspect. I doubt Cal will drop out of the top 10 but they certainly haven't look like a top 10 team in their last 2 games.

Boise St. is a wildcard - it depends on how good people believe Louisville is.

The other ? marks are the narrow losses for UM, LSU and Wisc. I agree we should jump them but they all lost to higher ranked teams.

10 is best case, 13 is worst case.
Out with Miami! They should have never been ranked that high in the first place. I am sick of them and their ESPN lackies.
Well, Miami is unfortunately staying put. I doubt Boise State will move much, either. My opinion of that game was that it was closer to a draw -- Louisville just managed to find themselves with the ball at the end of the game and they got the win. Boise State will probably finish no lower than 11th, IMO. My best guess is the Vols with finish 12th.

But who cares? It's next year's rankings I'm worried about now. :pepper:
I think it is funny that people are still voting on this..... :lol:
I voted what I initially posted in a different thread, just to see the results.
I was only one spot below where we finished in each poll.

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