Personally, I want some of these guys to make an impact next year. There are many I'm excited about, and I think they will be welcome talent and speed to our efforts.
Butch did make an interesting point in his postgame pressor I think we should all keep in mind. He has mentioned it before, but this time I actually thought about it some. Clearly, we're not there yet talent or depth wise, but he prefers not to play true Frosh because it "hinders their development."
Ideally, (and I know there is not much ideal about UT's current program situation), he wants these kids working with the S&C coach on a totally different lifting program as those playing in games, and redshirting their first year to get their bodies in SEC football condition muscle and strength wise, and their cardiovascular/stamina in season-ready condition so that they can then have that + a spring of conditioning and camp + fall conditioning and camp to be ready to go gangbusters in the Fall, their RS Freshman year.
So, there is a plus and minus to playing the guys out of HS (not really including JUCO's here).
The pluses: Experience, and whatever they can offer playmaking or talent wise on the field to the team. You can't put a price on experience. Ex, Sutton and North will be so much better next year for the roles they were able to play on the field experience-wise this year. North already has a man's body, so I don't think he is hindered as much, but Sutton (as talented as he is and as well as he's played) could have benefited from the luxury of sitting game-wise, while practicing and working on a totally different lifting program this fall. But, we don't have any luxury now.
The minuses: Any of these guys that are 1st or 2nd team, or coming in the rotations are going to be on game lifting regimens, not development lifting regimens, and that will hurt them. They won't be quite as built and ready for starting and significant full season action the next fall as if they were on the development regimen. Does that mean they would be incapable of starting their Soph year? No. Just that if they were on the program Butch wants them on ideally, they'd be more beast-like as a RS Freshman than true Soph.
Just food for thought...