Which loss would make you sicker?



The Oracle of Orange
Oct 22, 2011
WKU or Vandy? I don't think either will happen, just curious.

For me, I'd say Vandy. I've been saying for awhile that game is damn near a must win for us-WKU is meaningless in the big picture and even if a miracle loss happened it would be seen as a fluke.
WKU or Vandy? I don't think either will happen, just curious.

For me, I'd say Vandy. I've been saying for awhile that game is damn near a must win for us-WKU is meaningless in the big picture and even if a miracle loss happened it would be seen as a fluke.

I can remember a time when the two choices would've been Bammer or FL.

Thanks Obama.
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We have got to get these words out of our vocabulary again.

1. Lose
2. Losing
3. Loss
4. Lost
5. And for some of you, loose and loosing :)

It's time we move on from our recent past and accept that we are about to start kickin a$$ and taking names again. Maybe not this year but soon.
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We have got to get these words out of our vocabulary again.

1. Lose
2. Losing
3. Loss
4. Lost
5. And for some of you, loose. :)

It's time we move on from our recent past and accept that we are about to start kickin a$$ and taking names again. Maybe not this year but soon.

Don't forget Loose and Loosing..
Thats like asking which chutzpah you want to get kicked in.

Learned a new word today.
Vanderbilt. A loss to them is really embarrassing because of the in-state recruiting battles & also they are still considered the little brother to the great TN Vols. They are not worthy to carry TN's jockstraps.
Choice C) NEITHER. That way I don't hypothetically have to get friggin' sick. How about a thread:
Who would make you Happier if we BEAT The TAR out of Them?

Dawgs or Cocks?
We have got to get these words out of our vocabulary again.

1. Lose
2. Losing
3. Loss
4. Lost
5. And for some of you, loose and loosing :)

It's time we move on from our recent past and accept that we are about to start kickin a$$ and taking names again. Maybe not this year but soon.

I think we when both games! :)
I we lose to WK we may end up at 3-9 or 4-8, so a WK loss may indeed kill any chance of this team gainning any confidence, not to mention what the media will do with it.......nightmare ESPN replays all day Sunday
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