I am absolutely stunned. One of the best voices I've ever heard. Guess she couldn't overcome the fame and drugs. Truly a tragedy in the music industry.
Kind of off topic a bit, but they need to change the name of the game from "6 Degrees of Separation from Kevin Bacon" to "6 Degrees of Separation from Ray J". Wow...
Wow... That song from The Bodyguard soundtrack was on the radio on my way home. I thought to myself this song it's 20 years old why the hell are they playing it. Guess thats why
It's hard to choose a favorite among so many great tracks, but "The Greatest Love of All" is one of the best, most powerful songs ever written about self-preservation, dignity. Its universal message crosses all boundaries and instills one with the hope that it's not too late to better ourselves. Since, Elizabeth, it's impossible in this world we live in to empathize with others, we can always empathize with ourselves. It's an important message, crucial really. And it's beautifully stated on the album.