Who do you call to convert tickets from...



Easy target
Nov 5, 2008
Who or which specific department am I supposed to call to convert my season tickets from their current location to the handicap rows?

My in-laws gifted me their season tickets this fall, but it looks as if I'm going to be in a wheelchair most of the season. When I am out of the wheelchair, I won't be able to stand for long periods (and I don't want to be "that guy" in the stands).

Thanks for your help now, and for your prayers this spring. I ended up with some contributions to my hospital fund from names no one in my family recognized, so it must have been a couple of you responding to the thread Crusse started about my condition. God bless you all, and Go Vols!
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Glad to hear you are able to get back to the games
Let us know how it went with UT helping you out. I have had people over there help me out several times & they know what they're doing. Some however, don't & also don't seem to care. Just gotta get the right person!

Get Well Soon!!

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