Who do you pick? UF or BAMA?



Fightin' 'em everyday
Sep 18, 2007
I said earlier in the week that I'd take bama 8 out of 10 times against Florida...now watching the UF/UGA game, I'm not so sure...Bama/UF for the SECCG, who would win?
Florida is looking strong against Georgia. Beating the crap out of them. At this point, I would take Florida over Bama. But who knows until you play the game!
The only thing that can make me happy about that game is that one of them will lose. :cray:

God I hate the thought of those two playing for the SEC, but like it or not they are the two best teams at this juncture. bama could go down next week at lsu though. However, to answer the question, florida wins probably by 7 or more. Puke, puke, and puke again.
65% of me says Florida would win, they are usually a really good, consistent team.
I hope ( i say hope ) fla wins....hate bama....hell i would pull for Iraq if they was playing bammer.... I hate fla 2 dont get me wrong !
Roll Swamp.....Gators will Roll over the Tide....Gators have a very good Offense and Defense....Bama has a Mediocre but extremely hot at times offense, with a young defense. I think it would be like 35-25 Florida.....Who knows in the SEC though.
Bama's record against FL stands at 20-13 and has outscored them 804-487. Both teams are playing good this year but I say the Tide wins this one.

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