Who is going to the Peach Bowl

Are you going

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Just to clarify, my no vote is not because it is JUST the Peach Bowl. I would love to be there but I don't think the work schedule will work out.
If I could, I would be there and take as many folks as I could with me! We Vol fans need to turn the Peach Bowl into a rockin', rollin, money-makin' event. Every Vol fan who can, SHOULD go, and those who can't should make a point to watch it on TV or set their VCRS to tape it. Dang, I WISH we were still a Nielsen family! We must not turn on our team or our coaches because we're going to the Peach Bowl. It's not THEIR fault they were locked out of accepting any bowl bid until the BCS shakedown had occurred. It's up to US to put any spin on it WE want to. Sure UF's going to a better bowl, but we ALL know why. And IMHO, Georgia deserves to go to a better bowl than us. And when it's all said and done, if we take care of business, we'll back in the top 5 in the nation with an 11 - 2 record and I'll take that any day over a win in the Outback Bowl and a 9-4 record. Wouldn't you?
As of right now I am working on plans to be there. :clap:
I really wish we could go, but money doesn't allow right now. I am completely behind my Vols though. GO BIG ORANGE!! :D
No Chance that I'm going.
You're right...It's not our coaches fault that the BCS didn't work out and that the Outback and Capital 1 went a different way. However it is their fault that we are viewed as the 5 best team in the SEC.

Will consider watching it on TV, I guess.
OSV, with regards from Vol-Star and VestVol.
I won't comment on that last post - I've already been down that road with you, OSV. ;)

I got my ticket order in last night. It helps that I'm only 75 miles from Atlanta. I think I've seen every game we've ever played in the GA Dome.

For those of you that have never been, the Georgia Dome is sort of like Neyland Stadium except it never rains, you can actually find a concession stand and you get your own padded seat and drinkholder and don't have to sit in anybody's lap.

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