Who Was The Biggest Draft Surprise



Senior Member
Aug 30, 2004
Mo Clarrett was my biggest surprise. I did not think he would go the first day. A guy who is not only slower but has had a rash of off field problems. Bad choice Broncos.
not a bad choice, just a suprising one. He has plenty of time to work in the RB program, which is a great one. He'll be a decent back one day.
Clarett wont even see the field for 2 years, imo.

Wasted damn pick
Yes I know I am biased. But why would they (Denver) not want to get a back like Travis Henry? He is proven and tough. Instead they take a gamble on a troubled kid who only played one full year?! Crazy IMO
The biggest draft bust is going to be troy williamnson. What did he really do in USC? he isn't as good as what people are trying to make him out to be. Nfl is too obssesed with speed. Thats why matt jones went so high (another bust).
vols2345 I will have to disagree with you on Matt Jones. I think he was the most dangerous player the SEC had in years. He is huge and can fly and is very atheletic. He has good hands as seen in how he was a starter in SEC basketball. I look for him to be a very big success. I think he may very well have been the best all around athelete in the draft and it don't bother me one bit that he will not be at Ark in 2006.
Originally posted by VolBeef88@Apr 25, 2005 4:44 PM
vols2345 I will have to disagree with you on Matt Jones. I think he was the most dangerous player the SEC had in years. He is huge and can fly and is very atheletic. He has good hands as seen in how he was a starter in SEC basketball. I look for him to be a very big success. I think he may very well have been the best all around athelete in the draft and it don't bother me one bit that he will not be at Ark in 2006.

Well I am happy you like him. Because I live in jacksonville and I know the feeling by the fans here and they did not like it at all. THey said they could have gone in a better direction like health miller. They are very ticked off. He better hope he contributes next year, cause the fans here are ready to win now. Now I can say that he will have someone very good thorwing to him in byron leftwhich, which is know for throwing so hard to make his players drop balls in games. I personally feel it was a bad pick by jax. THey want him to play TE, and if that happens i don't know if it will work. I remeber the injuries he went through for playing qb, and if thinks that was rough.....................................
I don't know of any injuries he had at all. As far as TE I don't buy it he is WR all the way and yes I do like him as an athelete and a star that didn't get in trouble. I like him even better since he will be gone in 2006. I didn't say he was the best pick for JAX. I don't even care, but the kid is a threat every time he touches the ball. Just ask Texas or LSU.
Williamson will be and always be an average WR

He is not that tall so he is no Randy Moss. His speed is very good but nothing that will destroy defenses. His catching ability is good...not great.
Give the guy a chance to play in something other than Lou Holtz's high school style offense and see what happens.
Troy Williamson fits the vikings system! Which is a vertical passing game and he will be ok! by the way there is only 1 Randy Moss! Also he was in a horrible offense under Lou!

Matt Jones will be fine! Great pick by Jacksonville he will be a WR hard for DB's to handle because of his size and speed how would you like to tackle a WR that is 242 pounds and runs a 4.37!!!
I'm a huge Denver fan and I have mixed emotions about Clarett. He has a huge upside because of his abilities and will be paid very little, but I hate his attitude. Denver turns running backs into gold and if Clarett has the talent some think, he could become a franchise player. Shanny won't let him affect team attitude, and I'm sure the players won't receive him well anyway. He will have to prove himself.

Denver didn't have a lot of cap room this year, so picking three corner backs, an O-lineman and Clarett, I don't think they did too bad, considering.
The biggest draft surprise was San Diego taking Luis Castillo in round 1 after he admitted to steroid use, plus was projected as a 2nd-3rd round pick before that sory even came out.

Thought it was a bit of a reach, along with thinking that his stock would drop some after the steroid use, I was surprised that he went int the 1st round.
After some time thinking about it...

Maurice Clarett was a good choice. He had weighed himself down trying to look bulky for the combine, which slowed him down. He also played only one season of NCAA football, and has a lot of upside. All he has to do is sit out for a year or two, hit the weights and train under Denver's vaunted running back academy, and he could very well turn into a franchise player.
I know Jones is fast, but I'm still surprised he went before say, Mark Clayton. I mean, he was a QB, has he proven that he has good hands?
I don't think Clayton has much upside, if at all. He will be okay but he won't get any better, and he'll probably fail to make mismatches on a consistent basis. He's a good quick-fix for an ailing recieving game, but in the long-run, no good.

Matt Jones, however, has tremendous upside. Because of the fact that he is somewhat bulked up to play QB, he will lose weight to play reciever and thusly only get faster.
that still doesn't prove he has good hands.

Clayton seems to me to be like a Torry Holt. If he is dedicated to the game, he'll be successful. He HAS proven he can catch just about anything... even from a mediocre QB like Jason White.
Well... I'd have to say that White did well in the college game, but he just couldn't transfer to the pros.

And Matt Jones can develop his hands. Just throw enough passes at him in practice and he'll get the hang of it.
Granted Milo, but I still don't see why he went so high. Then again... You never know who the next Ryan Leaf will be.

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