WHOA!!! spurrier comments on sports center!!



not coaching this fall!!!
Aug 4, 2005
did anyone watch him call joe paterno and boby bowden "figure head coaches" ?

that just dosent sit right with me.
You could call KING AUTHUR a figure head.
Bush or Obama as well.

But unlike Politics NCAA coaches are more of a dictatorship.

Now that being said.Puppet on a string..........:)
Steve is about the only coach in football right now, at least publicly, saying what a lot of people already think. He lampooned Fulmer, and now he's just speaking his mind about some other coaches. Frankly, I like the guy, but he'll have to be careful about his mouth if South Carolina does not continue to win. It was easy for him when he was at UF and taking shots because they were so dominant.
Well, I didn't see what he said, but SC, looks like chit out there. So he's not backing it up.
Does Spurrier even do anything himself any more?

We all know he pulls a Mike Gundy when it comes to coaching defense, and now that his offenses have sucked for 4 years it is starting to become apparent that the man ain't that great of a coach any more.

He's had 63040506 quarterbacks in his time there and only Newton scared anyone...and that's because he could run.

end of rant, just something I was thinking of while watching USC get embarrassed by UF.
I wouldn't say rapidly. He is still a very active coach.

lol. JoePa is the epitome of a "figure head." The man does nothing at his university.
Other than being the face of a university, Joepa is to Penn State what Gen Neyland is to us, Joepa is still breathin though.

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