You and me both. I still hope to hear from him soon -- I still cannot see what Ole Miss has to offer that is even close to what Tennessee has, especially a chance for early playing time. I do admit, though, that the cubbies were not very good in their secondary.
The utter silence from both him and Marcus is more than a bit unusual immediately after an official visit. It could be that both are waiting to finish their respective OV's and have some free fun before making their silent commitments official -- Lanier has the one to go, and Marcus has around 3.
lulz i sent him a pm saying id post it for him in a thread. Said id credit him, but he probably wont send it to me... probably things ill try to steal his ecred.
Was just trying to get my 20 posts so I could start a thread. LOL. I am the talent coordinator for the Badger 7v7 HOME and a regional scout for a certain agency as well as part of the selection committee for the O-D Bowl. Didnt mean to ruffle anyones feathers was just trying to get something out there. I guess its not only the LSU boards where you have to prove your worth.
Ameer will be in the OD Bowl as well as Jeremy Hill, Cam Clear. And BTW Hill is NOT soft!