Something else I noticed at Missouri, the PA announcer ran his mouth while Dobbs was trying to call plays. It was loud enough in that little stadium without him amping it up. The other Vol fans sitting near me noticed it too. It was definitely a hostile environment for a true freshman starting his 1st game.
Something else I noticed at Missouri, the PA announcer ran his mouth while Dobbs was trying to call plays. It was loud enough in that little stadium without him amping it up. The other Vol fans sitting near me noticed it too. It was definitely a hostile environment for a true freshman starting his 1st game.
It was just a part of their short yardage package for that week in an unbalanced set. Jones said they may continue to move him around as needed for situations. He talked about it in his Monday presser here:
Butch Jones Press Conference (11/4/13) - YouTube
Skip to 27:00 for the specific question and answer.