Why hasnt anyone mentioned Mel Gibson?



Senior Member
Sep 19, 2005
I wonder how divided the VN will be on this subject?

He's a bigot, he's not a bigot, he's a bigot, he's not a bigot.................
He's a bigot. He got drunk and started spouting anti-semetic slurs. They call alcohol truth in a bottle for a reason.

But, it's not like it's a big deal. Like he's the only racist celebrity on the planet? Please.
(milohimself @ Aug 7 said:
He's a bigot. He got drunk and started spouting anti-semetic slurs. They call alcohol truth in a bottle for a reason.

I wouldn't go that far. People say things they don't mean when they're drunk all of the time.
He is a bigot. I still believe the Passion was an incredibly moving and Biblically accurate movie, though.
Well, there weren't any Lethal Weapon books..
(milohimself @ Aug 7 said:
Like all movies, the book was better.

Haha. That was funny.

I enjoyed the Passion for the sole reason that reading about the scourging and then seeing the graphic nature of what Jesus most likely went through are two completely different things. The movie did a lot to bring out the reality of the suffering.
I guess I just have a creative imagination. My exact expression through Passion was as such:
Mel Gibson is a bigot and Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and Al Queada are freedom fighters. That is what I call selective anti semetism
(Orangewhiteblood @ Aug 7 said:
I wouldn't go that far. People say things they don't mean when they're drunk all of the time.

Most don't start spewing out racial slurs though. I've said many STUPID things but never crossed that line. It has to be in your nature somewhere to say it before it would ever come out.
(Lexvol @ Aug 8 said:
Mel Gibson is a bigot and Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and Al Queada are freedom fighters. That is what I call selective anti semetism
So Mel Gibson has to suicide bomb a bus in Jerusalem before he can meet the official qualifications of being an anti-semite? Let's take a little trip to the good ol' dictionary...

Main Entry: an·ti-Sem·i·tism
Pronunciation: "an-tE-'se-m&-"ti-z&m, "an-"tI-
Function: noun
: hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group
- an·ti-Se·mit·ic /-s&-'mi-tik/ adjective
- an·ti-Sem·ite /-'se-"mIt/ noun

I'm pretty sure both Mel Gibson and Islamic extremists fill those shoes in their own degree.
(milohimself @ Aug 8 said:
So Mel Gibson has to suicide bomb a bus in Jerusalem before he can meet the official qualifications of being an anti-semite? Let's take a little trip to the good ol' dictionary...

Main Entry: an·ti-Sem·i·tism
Pronunciation: "an-tE-'se-m&-"ti-z&m, "an-"tI-
Function: noun
: hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group
- an·ti-Se·mit·ic /-s&-'mi-tik/ adjective
- an·ti-Sem·ite /-'se-"mIt/ noun

I'm pretty sure both Mel Gibson and Islamic extremists fill those shoes in their own degree.

Actually, it has morphed into that but it's original definition was for all Arab people. The Jews were using it to describe their similar heritage to the other people of the ME. Not important, but nice to know for the future.
(milohimself @ Aug 8 said:
So Mel Gibson has to suicide bomb a bus in Jerusalem before he can meet the official qualifications of being an anti-semite? Let's take a little trip to the good ol' dictionary...

Main Entry: an·ti-Sem·i·tism
Pronunciation: "an-tE-'se-m&-"ti-z&m, "an-"tI-
Function: noun
: hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group
- an·ti-Se·mit·ic /-s&-'mi-tik/ adjective
- an·ti-Sem·ite /-'se-"mIt/ noun

I'm pretty sure both Mel Gibson and Islamic extremists fill those shoes in their own degree.

My point was this: the same media outlets that give Hezbollah and company a pass on their antisemitism, are all over Mel Gibson for a drunken tirade. Obviously Gibson has issues, but there many more dangerous anti semites who do not have their motives or actions put to the same standard media outlets are using in the Gibson case.
I'm sure this issue matters to someone outside the Gibson family, I just can't imagine why.
The Jewish community has alot more to worry about ,than what some drunk said. If it had been one of those clowns on "COPS" spouting the same crap not a word would have been printed about it. Just more crap to sell "the Star" with.
(volmanjr @ Aug 8 said:
The Jewish community has alot more to worry about ,than what some drunk said. If it had been one of those clowns on "COPS" spouting the same crap not a word would have been printed about it. Just more crap to sell "the Star" with.

Uh, oh!! You're in trouble. I can already hear the thunder.

(Not from my point of view, btw)
In a stunning moment of redemption for the embattled actor Mel Gibson, President George W. Bush today awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, telling the star, "Thanks for taking the heat off me this week."

Mr. Bush, who has spent the summer floundering amid crises in North Korea, Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon, said that Mr. Gibson's DUI arrest and subsequent anti-Semitic tirade had distracted the media and the American people for a solid week.

"And for that I am eternally grateful." "You have taken people's attention from the mess I have made of things," Mr. Bush said. "And that's something that even talking about phony issues like gay marriage and immigration could not do."
As to the original question:



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