Why I hate leftist anti-capitalists



That’s No Moon…
Sep 17, 2006
Bloomberg.com: Exclusive

protesters in Berlin rage at their economic plight by targeting the most expensive cars -- symbols of German wealth and power.

A group calling itself BMW -- the initials stand for Movement for Militant Resistance in German -- has claimed responsibility for several attacks in left-wing magazines and Web sites, police spokesman Bernhard Schodrowski said.

I just have no use for them. Anarchists, socialists, communists, etc. The world would be a much happier and freer place without them.
Good thing is that mindset does not exist in this country. Also, our leader would not allow it to exist. He hates the idea of creating sides on issues such as wealth.
Good thing is that mindset does not exist in this country. Also, our leader would not allow it to exist. He hates the idea of creating sides on issues such as wealth.

Great words about our dear leader comrade.

Let me go no to praise his glorious fiscal policy and point to the alertness of Barry'stop economic his adviser.

Mr Obama, who called 130 lawmakers and members of think-tanks to the White House for what he described as a “fiscal sustainability summit”.......

Some critics dismissed the half-day gathering as a public relations stunt in the midst of galloping budget deficits. Last week saw the signing of the $787bn fiscal stimulus package, while this year’s budget deficit is expected to exceed $1,500bn

Although Lawrence Summers, head of the National Economic Council, fell asleep on the podium..........

Handy calculator to give up to the minute data on our great ownership of debt!!
I sleep better each night knowing we have such great leadership.

More photos from the economic summit:







Bloomberg.com: Exclusive

I just have no use for them. Anarchists, socialists, communists, etc. The world would be a much happier and freer place without them.

This is just a group of dumb kids thinking they are righting some perceived wrong. The capitalist in you should love this -- these kids are doing nothing more than helping these car companies.....these wealthy people will get insurance checks and turn around and buy these luxury cars again -- boosting sales in an anemic industry (but hurting insurance companies).

I have no disagreement that torching these cars is dumb -- but I can't quite find the broad correlation this has to to leftist, socialist, anarchist groups you include in the title.
Socialism never works anywhere itis tried. The people that really want this typeof communism arepure fools that want something for nothing. They have no clue what sorrow itwill truly bring.
Like Lemmings

Here's a look at the states that will be most affected by the tax hike and how they voted in the last presidential election.
More from CNBC.com:

Source: US Census Bureau (Housing Data), MSNBC (Election Data)

1. District of Columbia

% of Households Earning $200K+: 8.4%
Total Households: 251,039
Median Income: $50,318
Households Earning $200K+: 21,194

Election Results:
Obama: 93%
McCain: 7%

2. Connecticut

% of Households Earning $200K+: 8.0%
Total Households: 1,320,714
Median Income: $64,158
Households Earning $200K+: 105,433

Election Results:
Obama: 61%
McCain: 38%

3. New Jersey

% of Households Earning $200K+: 7.5%
Total Households: 3,149,910
Median Income: $65,249
Households Earning $200K+: 235,278

Election Results:
Obama: 57%
McCain: 42%

4. Maryland

% of Households Earning $200K+: 6.9%
Total Households: 2,082,458
Median Income: $65,552
Households Earning $200K+: 142,694

Election Results:
Obama: 62%
McCain: 37%

5. (Tie) Massachusetts

% of Households Earning $200K+: 6.2%
Total Households: 2,449,133
Households Earning $200K+: 152,348
Median Income: $57,681

Election Results:
Obama: 62%
McCain: 36%

5. (Tie) California

% of Households Earning $200K+: 6.2%
Total Households: 12,200,672
Households Earning $200K+: 757,411
Median Income: $56,311

Election Results:
Obama: 61%
McCain: 37%

7. Virginia

% of Households Earning $200K+: 5.7%
Total Households: 2,932,234
Households Earning $200K+: 165,998
Median Income: $58,950

Election Results:
Obama: 53%
McCain: 46%

8. New York

% of Households Earning $200K+: 5.6%
Total Households: 7,099,940
Households Earning $200K+: 399,014
Median Income: $49,267

Election Results:
Obama: 62%
McCain: 37%

9. Hawaii

% of Households Earning $200K+: 4.5%
Total Households: 439,685
Households Earning $200K+: 19,876
Median Income: $63,104

Election Results:
Obama: 72%
McCain: 27%

10. Illinois

% of Households Earning $200K+: 4.4%
Total Households: 4,759,579
Households Earning $200K+: 208,385
Median Income: $51,279

Election Results:
Obama: 62%
McCain: 37%

This is just a group of dumb kids thinking they are righting some perceived wrong. The capitalist in you should love this -- these kids are doing nothing more than helping these car companies.....these wealthy people will get insurance checks and turn around and buy these luxury cars again -- boosting sales in an anemic industry (but hurting insurance companies).

I have no disagreement that torching these cars is dumb -- but I can't quite find the broad correlation this has to to leftist, socialist, anarchist groups you include in the title.

Hitler's Brown Shirts were just dumb kids also.

"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." Hoover

In America the leftist enviro/animal rights were recently (2008) named the country's number one terrorist threat.

"Every time a fire breaks out and somebody takes a spray can and writes 'ELF' or 'ALF' on there, then everybody gets all excited that 'Oh this movement has started back up,'" said Bob Holland, a retired arson investigator. "The movement never really left."

Ever see any teenagers wearing Che Guevara T-shirts??


I wonder how many of them know that a significant portion of the inmates of Cuban concentration camps were teenagers who were caught listening to American rock and roll on their radios??

A Cuban prosecutor of the time who quickly defected in horror and disgust named Jose Vilasuso estimates that Che signed 400 death warrants the first few months of his command in La Cabana. A Basque priest named Iaki de Aspiazu, who was often on hand to perform confessions and last rites, says Che personally ordered 700 executions by firing squad during the period. Cuban journalist Luis Ortega, who knew Che as early as 1954, writes in his book Yo Soy El Che! that Guevara sent 1,897 men to the firing squad.

In his book Che Guevara: A Biography, Daniel James writes that Che himself admitted to ordering "several thousand" executions during the first year of the Castro regime. Felix Rodriguez, the Cuban-American CIA operative who helped track him down in Bolivia and was the last person to question him, says that Che during his final talk, admitted to "a couple thousand" executions. But he shrugged them off as all being of "imperialist spies and CIA agents."

Vengeance, much less justice, had little to do with the Castro/Che directed bloodbath in the first months of 1959. Che's murderous agenda in La Cabana fortress in 1959 was exactly Stalin's murderous agenda in the Katyn Forest in 1940. Like Stalin's massacre of the Polish officer corps, like Stalin's Great Terror against his own officer corps a few years earlier, Che's firing squad marathons were a perfectly rational and cold blooded exercise that served their purpose ideally. His bloodbath decapitated literally and figuratively the first ranks of Cuba's anti-Castro rebels.

Equally important, the massacres cowed and terrorized. The executions, right down to the final shattering of the skull with the coup de grace from a massive .45 slug fired at five paces, were public too. Guevara made it a policy for his men to parade the families and friends of the executed before the blood, bone and brain spattered firing squad.

The fact of the matter was that Che Guevara was a sadistic bastard, he particularly enjoyed listening to mothers beg for the lives of their children at length, leading them to believe their sons would be spared and then making the mothers watch as their children were brutally executed.

In 2004 Burlington Industries introduced a line of infant wear bearing Che's famous image.

Other than his competence at murdering bound, gagged and blindfolded men, Che Guevara failed spectacularly at everything he attempted in his life. First he failed as an Argentine medical student. Though he's widely described as a medical doctor by his hagiographers, no record exists of Guevara's medical degree.

In 1960 Castro appointed Che as Cuba's "Minister of Economics." Within months the Cuban peso, a currency historically equal to the U.S. dollar and fully backed by Cuba's gold reserves, was practically worthless.

The following year Castro appointed Che as Cuba's "Minister of Industries." Within a year a nation that previously had higher per capita income than Austria and Japan, a huge influx of immigrants and the 3rd highest protein consumption in the hemisphere was rationing food, closing factories, and hemorrhaging hundreds of thousands of its most productive citizens from every sector of its society, all who were grateful to leave with only the clothes on their back.

There is no record of Guevara prevailing in any bona-fide guerrilla battle in his whole life, in Cuba, in Tanzania, in Congo, in Bolivia or anywhere else.

Farm collectivization was no more voluntary in Cuba than in the Ukraine. It's rarely reported, but Che Guevara had a very bloody hand in one of the major anti-insurgency wars on the island.

Seventy to 80 percent of these rural anti-communist peasant guerrillas were executed on the spot on capture. Castro's Soviet-trained armed forces ripped hundreds of thousands of rural Cubans from their ancestral homes at gunpoint and herded them into concentration camps on the opposite end of Cuba.

According to evidence presented to the Organization of American States by Cuban-exile researcher Dr. Claudio Beneda, 4000 anti-Communist peasants were summarily executed during this rural rebellion.

The "acrid odor of gunpowder and blood" never reached Guevara's nostrils from actual combat. It always came from the close range murder of bound, gagged and blindfolded men.

In December 1964 Che addressed the U.N. General Assembly. "Yes, we execute, " he declared to the claps and cheers of that august body. "And we will keep executing as long as it is necessary. This is a war to the death against the Revolution's enemies."

According to the Black Book of Communism those executions had reached 14,000 by the end of the decade. (Cuba is a small country. In American terms, this would amount to more than three million executions.)

Exposing the real Che Guevara and the Idiots who Idolize Him.

The Organization of American States Human Rights Commission on April 7 1967 reported, "On May 27, 1966, from six in the morning to nightfall political prisoners were executed continuously by firing squad in Havana's La Cabana prison. One hundred and sixty-six men were executed that day and each had 5 pints of blood extracted prior to being shot.

"Extracting this amount of blood often produces cerebral anemia and unconsciousness so that many had to be carried to the execution wall on stretchers. The corpses were then transported by trucks to a mass grave in a cemetery outside the city of Marianao.

On that day, the truck required seven trips to deliver all the corpses. On 13th Street in Havana's Vedado district Soviet medical personnel had established a blood bank where this blood was transported and stored. This blood was then sold at fifty U.S. dollars per pint to the Republic of North Viet Nam."

This blood-for-profit operation was concocted by the brain of another benevolent icon of the mainstream media and academia in the U.S., Ernesto "Che" Guevara.

You can read this and more in Humberto Fontova's book - ignored of course by the mainstream media and academia - Exposing The Real Che Guevara And The Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him, 2007, in the section Cuban Blood for Sale, page 77.

The mainstream media and academia because of their silence, refusal to tell the truth and cooperation with the Castro regime should be held accountable for the pain and suffering inflicted upon the Cuban population.


Jeremiah Wright and the Cuban connection.

"The Cuban Council of Churches has been a non-partisan global mission partner for decades. I have worked with them for two decades.” Wright.

“Non-partisan,” Reverend Wright? Not according to Cuban intelligence defector Juan Vives, who from hands-on experience reports that the Cuba Council of Churches is in fact an arm of Cuba's ICAP (Instituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos) itself an arm of Cuba's DGI, Cuba's secret police, founded and mentored by the KGB and East German STASI. the ICAP's long-time chieftan was Rene Cruz Rodriguez, by the Reverend Jeremiah Wright's own admission, perhaps one of his “friends."

Rodriguez' meteoric rise through Cuba's Stalinist bureaucracy was facilitated by his diligence as an early executioner, often beating out Che Guevara and Raul Castro themselves in his zeal to shatter the firing-squad victim's skull with a coup d' grace from his .45.

On November 5, 1982 a Dade County, Florida, grand jury indicted Rene Rodriguez Cruz for smuggling drugs into the U.S..

This murderer headed a Cuban agency that Jeremiah Wright “worked with for decades” by his own admission, and whose staff he regards as “friends.” These “friends,” arranged the visit for the Rev. Jesse Jackson's and his 300 person entourage to Havana in 1984, which included Rev. Wright.

“Viva Fidel!” bellowed Reverend Jackson while concluding his speech at the University of Havana during that visit. “Viva Che Guevara!..Long Live our cry of Freedom!”

Read on about Eusebio Penalver.
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to sum up what the barackstar's plan, i will quote a song by AC/DC "Were on a highway to hell"
This is just a group of dumb kids thinking they are righting some perceived wrong. The capitalist in you should love this -- these kids are doing nothing more than helping these car companies.....these wealthy people will get insurance checks and turn around and buy these luxury cars again -- boosting sales in an anemic industry (but hurting insurance companies).

I have no disagreement that torching these cars is dumb -- but I can't quite find the broad correlation this has to to leftist, socialist, anarchist groups you include in the title.

had you bothered to read the Bloomberg article, you would have found the following:

A group calling itself BMW -- the initials stand for Movement for Militant Resistance in German -- has claimed responsibility for several attacks in left-wing magazines and Web sites, police spokesman Bernhard Schodrowski said.

and I don't really care if the wealthy people have insurance. Do you own any private property? This is about people, individuals, not having to succumb to some idiotic collective notion of egalitarianism and being able to spend the money they earn in any way they see fit. As for these kids "helping capitalism", get a clue. By causing damage to someone else's private property and forcing them to seek remedy through either their insurance or the courts, they eventually drive up the cost of everything. That's one reason why healthcare is so expensive, stupid lawsuits. The one thing Britain has over the US is that British courts have a system of loser pays.

screw political correctness and the legions that practice it.
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"One of the methods used by statists to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary." --Ayn Rand


"In January, Stephen Moore caused a stir by arguing, in the Wall Street Journal, that the current crisis is turning Atlas Shrugged 'from fiction to fact.' And those who are warning that increased government restrictions will cause the nation's most productive workers to withdraw their talents have taken to calling this the 'John Galt Effect,' a reference to the hero -- and the main plotline -- of Atlas Shrugged.

It is no coincidence that the strongest resistance to a government takeover of the economy is coming from people influenced by Ayn Rand. She has long functioned as a stiffener of resolve and as the fountainhead of pro-free-market ideas. ...Ayn Rand's contribution to the philosophical defense of capitalism can be summed up in one central idea: individualism.

Ayn Rand demonstrated that the ultimate source of all wealth -- everything from steel mills to microchips -- is the individual reasoning mind. Thus, a society that wants to prosper has to ask what is required by its thinkers and producers, the 'prime movers' who originate and implement new ideas. And the first thing that is required for these thinkers to function is that they be free from coercive interference by bureaucrats, by blowhard legislators, or by federal 'czars.' ... Ayn Rand's ideas are the mostly unnamed fuel giving fire and confidence to people like [CNBC financial analyst] Rick Santelli. ...

If we're going to have an ideological Boston Tea Party, a declaration of independence from the whole theory behind state management of our lives and wealth, then Ayn Rand is the ideal philosophical hostess." --editor of The Intellectual Activist and TIADaily.com Robert Tracinski

"Extreme taxation, excessive controls, oppressive government competition with business, frustrated minorities and forgotten Americans are not the products of free enterprise. They are the residue of centralized bureaucracy, of government by a self-anointed elite." --Ronald Reagan

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