Why?????? (Lockerbie bomber)

Murder 270 people and you should never experience freedom again. Total BS.
I have no issue with this...

...as long as the friends and family of the victims are told exactly when and where he's being "released".
This is what happens when you deal with people who are compass.... I mean spineless who care nothing for the victims.
The thing that kills me in this whole process are the pinkos acting indignant because the Libyans promised them no hero's welcome upon the terrorist's return, yet they reneged. These are the same trash we were worried that we pissed off over the past decade...
Just read this too, it turns out this guy served just under 14 days in prison for every victim, then gets a hero's welcome when he gets off the plane.

This is beyond infuriating.
I've always thought Iraqi intelligence was the mastermind behind that scheme, although Libya was no doubt involved.

For any thinking person who has bothered to look past LSM accounts, Iraqi intelligence was behind the OKC bombing but the Clinton administration was intent upon creating the illusion of some right wing conspiracy theory and were fairly succesful.

Same goes of flight 800, I have known one of the NTSB inspectors who worked on that case most of my life and in a chance encounter with him I asked him point blank what happened and he gave me the official CIA version of events but he couldn't look me in the eye and say it, he cast his eyes to the ground, He knew he was lying to an old friend, I knew he was lying too but just let it go.

All that be as it may, here are some current event comments;
Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi was greeted by thousands cheering and waving Scottish flags when he arrived back in Libya last night following his release from a Scottish jail.


Lockerbie Victim's Mom Calls Obama Response 'Soft' Susan Cohen 'Furious & Sick' Over Bomber's Release In Scotland CBS News Interactive: Pan Am Flight 103 The mother of a young woman killed in the Pan Am 103 bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988 was blunt in her anger over seeing the mastermind of the attack return home to cheering crowds. "I was furious and I was sick," Susan Cohen, whose daughter Theodora, then 20, died on the flight. Cohen reserved some of her anger toward the Obama administration as well.

More news:

Recent reports floating a Department of Justice special CIA prosecutor trial balloon have the far left the nutroots salivating.

Attorney General Eric Holder, so-far memorable only for his key role in Bill Clinton’s last-minute pardon of fugitive Marc Rich -- is reportedly poised to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate CIA officials who interrogated al Qaeda terrorists during the Bush administration.-SNIP-

Holder appears to have played a part in every major scandal of the Clinton administration, aside from sex with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office. Elian Gonzales, Waco, FALN terrorist pardons, the Marc Rich...

Developing news;

America Ccommunist League of Undesirables and others gathered the names and photographs of CIA operatives and showed them to some detainees at Gitmo, some of whom who were supposedly linked to the masterminds of 9/11. (No that wasn't G W Bush dufus.)

Bottom line, if I were an undercover agent for America today I would hand in my resignation, knowing full well that Obama and Holder would gladly stab me in the back at the first opportunity.

Another outrageous story was the guy released last year who was the leader of the highjacking crew that beat a young sailor to death and threw him out on a tarmack.

The terrorist highjacker was realeased to Syria and after a few days of debriefing they cut him loose to go train more hizbollah highjackers in souther Lebanon.

Syria btw occupied Lebanon for thirty years and in the dead of night arrested untold thousands of young Christian men, shipped them off to Syrian dungeons never to be heard from again.

Where is the outrage about that, or the two million black African Christians slaughtered in southern Sudan over the last forty years??

I'm not so outraged over the realease of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi as I am the big picture and further outraged that more of my fellow citizens aren't equally or even more outraged. :banghead2:


Convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi
arrived back in Libya Thursday, just in time for the
start of the muslim holy month of ramadan and was
warmly greeted by Seif al-Islam al- Gadhafi, son of
and apparent heir to Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi
who has publicly praised Barrack Obama as being a
Kenyan muslim.

Those are flower petals being showered over the two
embracing men. Wonder if the Brits furnished Abdel
with the ivory handled cane?

Obama ignored the American 'National Day of Prayer"
back in May but this week sent out blessings to
muslims world wide in several languages for the
celbration of ramadan.

Barry also canceled a military flyover in Idaho,
'suport America day,' that has been a tradition
for 52 consecutive years because it was
connected to and sponsored by some Christian

A favorite food to break the daily ramadan fast in
the evening is the date because it is said muhammed
preferred the same.


The best dates this year in the muslim world are
named 'Obama' dates.

In 2006, many sellers in Egypt named their best
dates after the leader of the Lebanese militant group
Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, whose popularity soared
among Arabs because his militants battled Israel ...
that summer.

Some may recall that Seif Gadhafi and Barry Soetero Obama were supporters (Barry $1 million, Seif $3/4
million in campaign contributions) of the presidential
Kenyan campaign of communist trained Raile Odinga,
Obama even dispatched and paid for a top dimocrat
party campaign strategist and that after the election
Odinga claimed voting fraud (ala Al 'commie' Gore) and
used muslim outrage and rioting that killed thousands
of civilians, displaced hundreds of thousands and saw
hundreds of churches destroyed, to parlay his own
appointment to the Prime Minister position.

His release was met with outrage by families of the U.S. victims of the bombing and criticized by President Barack Obama as "highly objectionable."

FBI director Robert Mueller said in a letter to Scotland's government that al-Megrahi's release would give comfort to terrorists all over the world. Speaking Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union," Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that releasing the bomber was "obviously a political decision."

But Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond told BBC Radio that it was wrong to assume that all those affected by the bombing were opposed to al-Megrahi's release.

"I understand the huge and strongly held views of the American families, but that's not all the families who were affected by Lockerbie," Salmond said. "As you're well aware, a number of the families, particularly in the U.K., take a different view and think that we made the right decision."

Freakin' European morons.

Scottish leader defends Lockerbie bomber release
Can't really be mad at anyone but the Scottish National Party. His reception is an absoulte disgrace but from what i've heard the welcome was due to them seeing him as a flasely prosecuted man coming home.
Clan McCloud sure would be proud.

Is'nt the Highlander dude supposed to be Scottish. I kinda held a belief that the Scots were more into revenge than this. So much for my beliefs. This has to break a world record for time served for the amount of murders.
turns out it was done for oil.

Lockerbie bomber 'set free for oil' - Times Online

The British government decided it was “in the overwhelming interests of the United Kingdom” to make Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber, eligible for return to Libya, leaked ministerial letters reveal.

Gordon Brown’s government made the decision after discussions between Libya and BP over a multi-million-pound oil exploration deal had hit difficulties. These were resolved soon afterwards.

The letters were sent two years ago by Jack Straw, the justice secretary, to Kenny MacAskill, his counterpart in Scotland, who has been widely criticised for taking the formal decision to permit Megrahi’s release.

The correspondence makes it plain that the key decision to include Megrahi in a deal with Libya to allow prisoners to return home was, in fact, taken in London for British national interests.
one of the wonders of socialized medicine = incompetent doctors drawing a government salary

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