Why Term Limits are Needed: Pete Stark

the culture in DC makes it very difficult ... it seems to corrupt most who go there .. a congressman who had to work in his district every day prolly wouldn't be so detached from reality ..
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disturbing video ..

"our borders are secure" "how high would the wall be?" :eek:lol:
I was all for term limits and all that fun stuff untill TRUT and I had great conversation about the matter.

We already have term limits and if we are truly free....... why shouldn't we be able to elect who we want and for how long we want........
I was all for term limits and all that fun stuff untill TRUT and I had great conversation about the matter.

We already have term limits and if we are truly free....... why shouldn't we be able to elect who we want and for how long we want........


"Every government is a parliament of whores. The trouble is, in a democracy, the whores are us.'
P. J. O'Rourke

Or as Pogo would put it, "we have met the enemy and the enemy is us."

Before we will ever get term limits we will have to vote incumbents out EN MASSE and not only that we will have to vote in people who aren't just interested in the fact that once you have been elected for five years then you are entitled to full retirement benefits plus lots of extras!!!
equally disturbing is Juan Williams calling Stark a great guy during Hannity's round table segment and in his next breath Williams resorted to the usual liberal canard that all those opposed to illegal immigration are racists.
I thought term limits were ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS after Gingrich's Contract With America worked its way through congress.

Until they find a cure for voter apathy and a general unwillingness to stay informed as a civic duty, idiots will continue to hold office.
One of the biggest arguments for term limits passed away early this week, but yes this is another one of those times where I ask "Why does the government need to step in and protect us from our own stupid?"

That guy, in all honesty, should be not just ousted in November but sent home with shame. An AL Greene beating him by 30% margin kind of shame. But people are too stupid and/or lazy to do it so he can get away with that crap and he knows it. It also helps when you are in agreement with most of the Media out there, and this won't be made a stink of.

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