Wife watching a stupid show on TLC "Say yes to the dress"



RIP RichRollin
Oct 1, 2008
I'm trying to get her to change the channel and EB came on with his Mom...I said "Don't touch that damn channel!!

It's on now. :)
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When it aired back in like, February, my friends sister texted him saying "Eric Berry is on 'Say yes to the dress'." We switched over to it out of principle and the other story in the episode was on. We looked at each other and I asked, 'Do you think we just got tricked into watching this?" Then EB came on and we were alright.
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Maybe you should invest in another TV. My husband has his TV and I have mine so that way we can watch what we want. During football season, we watch the games on his TV which happens to be the largest in the house of our three TV's. The third one is mounted in the kitchen for when I'm cooking so I can watch the news. So you could say I have two TV's of my own.:p
Maybe you should invest in another TV. My husband has his TV and I have mine so that way we can watch what we want. During football season, we watch the games on his TV which happens to be the largest in the house of our three TV's. The third one is mounted in the kitchen for when I'm cooking so I can watch the news. So you could say I have two TV's of my own.:p

You hubby is a smart man. Tv in the kitchen. I like this guy!
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Maybe you should invest in another TV. My husband has his TV and I have mine so that way we can watch what we want. During football season, we watch the games on his TV which happens to be the largest in the house of our three TV's. The third one is mounted in the kitchen for when I'm cooking so I can watch the news. So you could say I have two TV's of my own.:p

Every man on Earth should marry a woman like this. Every woman on Earth should be a woman like this.
And I'm not just flapping my lips - or in this case, just wiggling my fingers. I'm not joking. I've visited some homes where there were two TVs and the wife is raising h3ll about the husband not sitting on the sofa with her instead of watching something he really wanted to see in the other room. While she's watching a show I won't belittle because women have their preferences like anyone else. But it wasn't what he cared for and what he cared for was on another channel. GEEZ!!!!! smokeyhuntsgators, that man of yours darn well better appreciate what he has. If not tell me and about five of my friends where we can find him.
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My life is full of Say Yes to the Dress and similar shows this time of year. However, our 17-year-old daughter would MUCH rather watch 22 German shepherds play football than watch such a show. And my wife understands my passion for college football in general and UT football in particular. Come football season there won't be no stinkin' wedding gown shows on my TV! :salute:
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