
Inconsistent - yes but he was definately clutch!! I think after the struggles this year that he will also have a great year. The best thing about this team - going forward - is that they are so talented and have a sense of pride that I haven't seen in a Vols team in a long time - and no one will want to be th "weak" link.
I think a clutch kicker is the best thing to have in all situations. How often does it come down to that last 40+ yarder?
Originally posted by milohimself@Jan 25, 2005 5:47 PM
I think a clutch kicker is the best thing to have in all situations. How often does it come down to that last 40+ yarder?

While I agree, it sure would have been a sweeter victory if he would have made those kicks against UGA!
Hey, we won. That is all that matters. But a good clutch kicker can mean the difference between a 9 and 10 win season.
During the Florida game when he missed the field goal in the 4th quarter to win, I was ready to take the trip from Greensboro, NC to Knoxville to hurt him then he made it to win and I loved him again all within 30 minutes. I expect way too much......We're such spoiled fans but its o so nice :D
Maybe we can see if a guy like Mike Vanderjagt has an extra year of eligibility. Can you say infinite range?
Vanderjagt is good, but he comes with a lot of baggage, kinda like Janikowski.

Give me another John Becksvoort or Jeff Hall any day. Hopefully, Wilhoit will grow into that role this year.

FWIW, both Colquitt and Wilhoit were in a bit of a slump this year.
To be fair, Colquitt did fight some injuries. Tough to punt with a pulled groin. :yikes:

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