


Staff member
Oct 16, 2004
Wilhoit had an extra bone removed from his foot. He has to stay off of it for 8 to 12 weeks and will miss spring practice.

"I was missing all my kicks to the right last year I would feel pain and push the ball.''

Hopefully, he won't miss many kicks next year.

Who is our second string kicker anyway?
Sounds like a tough deal for a kicker to come back from. Glad he overcame the pain against Florida.
He has not ever been that consistent. Let's hope the injury was in fact the problem. :cross:

Fulmer seems to always have a lot of confidence in him.
Somebody is going to get a lot of kicks in Spring practice. It could get interesting when Fall practice starts.
If that nagging injury was indeed his problem in consistency, if the surgery works and he can kick without pain, then he ought to come back looking real good this fall. He missed what would seem to be some easy marks sometimes, but he would always come back and get that big, long clutch kick when he needed. Guess he gritted his teeth on those.
His foot must have REALLY hurt in the Georgia game.

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