Will Asumnu Get More Minutes



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
Asumnu has been noticeably absent from much playing time this year. He played pretty well in the Kentucky game...I think he ad 6 points and a couple of rebounds in about 5 minutes. Yesterday he had 14 points on 6 of 6 shooting. He has always been an above average defensive player...he was a finalist for SEC defensive player of the year last year. I don't know what he has done to get in Buzz's doghouse but he seems to be getting his act together. I think Stanley has stagefright at times. If he can stay calm he can be a real asset to this team: solid defense, decent rebounder, and he can usually beat his man off the dribble at will.

Will he see more than 10 minutes against Arkansas?
I am going to go out on a limb and say yes. I was really impressed with Stanley going 6 for 6 yesterday. As we all know, it has been his shooting that keeps him from staying in the game longer. I think his shooting has become a lot better as of late and I like his intensity on defense.

What does Buzz really have to lose anyway? Other than his job?
Just my opinion but Buzz has more than a few, of which Asumnu is one of , players that are not of SEC caliber.
I don't know, I think Asumnu has proven AT TIMES that he could play at this level. He has just been very inconsistent. I think he has more to offer than Bradshaw does.

I don't know the story with some of Buzz's guys. Asumnu and Wingate were highly rated coming out of high school and both sometimes seem as if they just started playing the game.
Wingate continues to puzzle me. Sometimes he makes some great moves to the basket and then other times, he just looks lost. Wingate is just not aggresive enough for my taste.

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