Will Butch Jones pull all stops to beat Oklahoma



Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2012
Will we see Butch go into Norman and have a gambling attitude, fake punts, onside kicks, trick plays ect?
I could see it if its close at the end like how the Uga game was last year. Then we could see some stuff. But I doubt it.
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Just so long as he doesn't go as far as the UAS coach did on Saturday. I know he felt like he had to do it, and the fake punt actually worked, but some of it was just plain dumb.
There's no reason to be conservative. Ark St used them at great times and I'd like to see UT do something similar
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I believe that CBJ will reveal new personnel groupings in this game. I highly doubt he pulls a lot of trickeration. That's not his style. We are Tennessee, not Arkansas State!
Although I hope we win, I hope CBJ plays it safe and we get out of Norman with no more injuries. But SEC play? That's a entire different critter..that's where I hope we go all out.
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No...CBJ is saving the offensive firepower for UTC in October. We'll see nothing new til then.

That assumption is the Height of Arrogance my friend. There is no preparing for UTC. You can never hope to beat them. You can only hope to survive.
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We'd get more exposure over a win Saturday than any other team but maybe Alabama, and that's if that don't lose a game before we play them
OU isn't an easily handled lesser opponent and the object of the game is to win. I don't think we burn a strategic redshirt for this game, but we better not be holding back.
UT will do whatever is needed to defeat a top 5 team on the road. WTF is wrong with you people....
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Nah, he'll prefer to keep it as vanilla as possible so we don't show too much for a more important opponent later in the season......

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