I don't know why people are so worried about USU. Yes, we put up humiliating performances over the last few years, but most of those were Dooley & co. yes, we struggled some last year, but we played very well at times.
This is how the next few weeks will go down:
1. We will beat the brakes off of USU. Everyone is going to be feeling pretty good about our chances this season....
2. We will curb stomp Arky State. All of VN will rejoice and start threads about why we should be ranked and that College Gameday should come to Knoxville no less than twice this year.
3. We will go to Norman and get throttled by the Sooners. All of VN will scream for Worley to be benched and I will have to eat crow for all of the sh!t I've been talking the OU fans I see here in north TX.
All that being said....I whole-heartedly believe that better times are coming and I trust Butch & co 10,000%