Win Reality…



Junior Member
Jan 25, 2005
does anyone know if TN or other major colleges use this technology to work on hitting? How about high school or youth leagues?

i’ve seen the advertisements but have no idea how beneficial it is to actually making one a better hitter. Based on MLB batting averages, either they don’t use Win Reality (or a similar technology) or it isn’t very effective. Unbelievable how many every day players are batting .230 or less.
CC Sabathia was just on Pat McAfee Show. His son plays for GT. He said the young guys use it a lot. He said its a big deal.

My son is a HS baseball player and its big with him and his teammates. I met the creators at the College World Series in 2021. They were demo'ing it at the fan experience outside the field. It has really blown up since.
CC Sabathia was just on Pat McAfee Show. His son plays for GT. He said the young guys use it a lot. He said its a big deal.

My son is a HS baseball player and it’s big with him and his teammates. I met the creators at the College World Series in 2021. They were demo'ing it at the fan experience outside the field. It has really blown up since.

I didn’t realize Sabathia’s son plays for GT.

Seems lIke WR could be of great benefit if it indeed replicates reality. every time I see the commercial I wonder if colleges and high schools use it as part of hitting development.

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