The thing that kills me about the fumble was how can a player be ruled down with the ball if he doesn't have possession of it??? That should have been overturned in my opinion and of any intelligent football fan.
I really like Jancek so far and I think the defense played better than what I expected and really gave the offense a chance to get back into the game. Some questionable play calling and one gut wrenching int returned for a td later and we are down 24. Point is, we HAVE to capitalize on opponents mistakes EVERY SINGLE TIME. We have no room for error this season or any season matter of fact.
What is sad is that the narrative will be that the game wasn't as close as the score. They will say that we couldn't hang with them. The reality is that we are an amazing pick, a bad read, and a missed review away from having a really interesting fourth quarter.
Also, the first guy who tells me that Oklahoma let off the gas, or went easy on us in the fourth is getting slapped.
The refs were a big problem and not even talking bout the non fumbe I'm talking about the non holds.
Croom is only to blame for the 1st pick. He didn't step up in Pearsons absense. He is the only player I have issues with.
Its incredicle how bad the Oline played and this game wasn't out of hand until the pick 6.
Really impressed with the D and how the offense was still productice overall. As good as OU is this game shouldn't have even been close.