Woke Leftist Culture Imported From US is ‘racialising’ France, Causing Splits in Society and Holding Back Ethnic Minorities, says President Macron


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
  • He pointed the blame at feminists and black rights activists for 'intersectionality'
An imported woke leftist culture is 'racialising' France, causing splits in society and holding back ethnic minorities, President Emmanuel Macron has claimed.

Macron said the political left's insistence on defining their countrymen by their ethnicity and depicting them as victims is causing rifts, and blamed social science ideas that have come from the United States.

'I see that our society is becoming progressively racialised,' Macron told Elle magazine in an interview published this week, going on to say that he believed ethnic minorities have been placed 'under house arrest' by left-wing ideology.


French President Emmanuel Macron (pictured in Paris on Thursday) has said French society is becoming increasingly 'racialised' and blamed the political left for defining their fellow countrymen by their ethnicity and gender, taking specific aim at 'intersectionality'

He also pointed blame at feminists and black rights activists for seeking to define people according to their gender and their skin colour, arguing that such views cause rifts in French society and limit social mobility among ethnic minorities.

Emmanuel Macron says woke leftist culture is 'racialising' France, causing splits in society | Daily Mail Online
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"I hate anyone who isn't white, christian, and heterosexual." Say Volnation's resident racist, homophobic resident curmudgeon @Franklin Pierce
Funny he mentions feminism, I believe that movement and what it has morphed into over the last 40 to 50 years is partially responsible for the decline of the American family and a rise in crime and violence.

When you mess with a concept so basic and proven by time measured in hundreds of generations there are unintended consequences.
If you don't vote for Biden you ain't black...... have to keep in line and on the reservation!
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Funny he mentions feminism, I believe that movement and what it has morphed into over the last 40 to 50 years is partially responsible for the decline of the American family and a rise in crime and violence.

When you mess with a concept so basic and proven by time measured in hundreds of generations there are unintended consequences.

So accurate
I wonder what evidence he has about it limiting social mobility?

If you consider intersectionality to be a modern day form of tribalism (I don't see how you could claim it isn't) then the social mobility limitations are self evident. When it is seen as "being white" to be economically productive, conservative with personal finances, and to eschew antisocial behavior, then how can it not limit social mobility?
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If you consider intersectionality to be a modern day form of tribalism (I don't see how you could claim it isn't) then the social mobility limitations are self evident. When it is seen as "being white" to be economically productive, conservative with personal finances, and to eschew antisocial behavior, then how can it not limit social mobility?

Well, because we're comparing a modern woke society to a society that used to be more discriminatory, which also seems like it would limit social mobility.
Well, because we're comparing a modern woke society to a society that used to be more discriminatory, which also seems like it would limit social mobility.

Ironically though, and this shouldn't be taken as a defense of discrimination, the discriminatory society (prior to the "war on poverty") didn't limit economic mobility to the extend that tribalism has. Black economic mobility in America the first 100 years post slavery was much better than it is today. I can't imagine a more discriminatory period in our country's history than the 100 or so years leading up to the civil rights movement. The main difference, economically speaking, between that era and this era isn't discrimination, but rather the idea that productive work which helped climb the economic ladder wasn't seen as a cultural "white thing".
Ironically though, and this shouldn't be taken as a defense of discrimination, the discriminatory society (prior to the "war on poverty") didn't limit economic mobility to the extend that tribalism has. Black economic mobility in America the first 100 years post slavery was much better than it is today. I can't imagine a more discriminatory period in our country's history than the 100 or so years leading up to the civil rights movement. The main difference, economically speaking, between that era and this era isn't discrimination, but rather the idea that productive work which helped climb the economic ladder wasn't seen as a cultural "white thing".

The war on poverty wasn't based on wokeness, though. It's more fair to lay the war on drugs on past discriminatory attitudes than it is to lay WoP on wokeness.

Edit: i see what you're saying about WoP and misinterpreted it but the point still stands, the WoD has served as institutionalized discrimination that has severely limited mobility
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The war on poverty wasn't based on wokeness, though. It's more fair to lay the war on drugs on past discriminatory attitudes than it is to lay WoP on wokeness.

Edit: i see what you're saying about WoP and misinterpreted it but the point still stands, the WoD has served as institutionalized discrimination that has severely limited mobility

I don't disagree that the WoD has limited economic mobility too (not to mention its failure at the mission of keeping drugs off the streets). And I think it needs to be addressed/ended. But I don't see intersectionality theory (which I believe was the impetus for the prevailing notion that to be successful economically or academically is to be acting "white") as a rebuttal to either the WoD or any other form of discrimination. It doesn't solve any of the problems and actually makes some of the problems worse, including economic/social mobility.

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